Times ticking.

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"How are you so calm about something.. moving in there?" I asked, my head lightly leaning against Felix's belly as the little one threw its own little party.

Felix laughed a little, "at first it was.. weird, but now everytime he moves im just reminded that my baby is healthy and living. That's one of the things I care about most."

"What are some of the other things?" I asked, scrunching my eyebrows.

"Mmm baking brownies, giving my friends gifts and hanging out, but most importantly over all those things," Felix said running his fingers through my hair, "I care about you,"

Those four simple words were enough to send me over the moon. "I- I really do care about you too Felix. I know I may not fully remember everything about us, but there's just this feeling," I paused, "I don't know, it's stupid."

"Hey," Felix frowned, "nothing you can say about your feelings, or any of this, is stupid. All of your feelings are completely valid, and I will always love and appreciate you for letting me know about them. You may not remember, but I do. I will help you through everything, no matter what. So just focus on taking care of your mental state, and I'll do the rest." He smiled.

One thing is for sure, I don't know where I'd be if it weren't for him.

"I can't let you do the rest," I said, my lips forming a pout. "You need taken care off,"

Felix blinked rapidly, he wasn't expecting it, but his expression turned soft pretty quickly.

"Oh love, thank you. Don't worry though, I'm doing perfectly fine. I'm nice and healthy and your presence is more than enough."

I blushed horribly at his words, he always knew what to say and it killed me. In a good way?



"We're you.. we're we ready for this baby?" I asked. We were extremely close to meeting our baby, so I imagined he was more ready then ever.

Me? I was ready but nervous. I just walked into this crazy situation, all these things are happening so fast, but I'm ready because he's with me. I feel so safe and comfortable with him.

"When I found out I was pregnant, I almost passed out. I was definitely shitting myself, it of course wasn't anything planned. And I wasn't even sure if I wanted the baby."

I nodded my head, to show I was listening. I felt the baby move back against me once again.

Felix chuckled and continued, "but after I told you, seeing your sweet eyes made me feel okay. Well more than okay. I wasn't as worried, and the thought of raising a child with you didn't scare me. Mainly because I knew for everything I lack, you make up for- and I don't mean that in a rude way. I just trust you, fully."

I smiled at him, he was just so sweet it made my cheeks hurt. I was happy too head that just my expression alone gave Felix comfort in those moments, knowing he was calm, kept me calm.

I regretfully sat up, parting ways with both Lix and the baby.

"Do you think Jisung is ready for a baby?"

I could see Felix's eyes widen as he wasn't expecting the question, his mouth fell open to answer, he thought for a second, "Ji gets really bad baby fever anytime he's around one. I noticed he's wanted one way before most people. Why do you ask?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, "I seen it, and I was asking Minho about it."

There was a moment of silence before Felix answered, his face didn't seem as bright anymore. "W-what did he say?"

"Something along the lines of how he always ends up giving in when it came to Jisung, and that he didn't know if he was ready," I paused, "I told him I think he will be, kinda like us. I mean obviously he doesn't have to do anything if he really isn't ready for that change. It's a big step."

"You're a really good person Hyune," he said suddenly, his smile returning. It meant a lot to hear him say that.

Felix sighed, patting his tummy, "I can't believe he's almost ready to be here."

"Are you scared?" I asked, which may have been a dumb question, but I wanted to ask.

"Fuck yes," he answered immediately, it caught me off guard, but it also gave me flashback of a bunch of times he would curse. I never realized just how much of a potty mouth the blonde had.

I laughed a little, earning a few eyebrow raises, "what is it?" He asked.

"I just remembered how much you swear, I got war flashbacks of you and Chan cussing each other out."

Felix was laughing now too, recalling the situation too, "Fuck Chan, and fuck that cereal."

Yep. They cussed each other out...

over a bowl of cereal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2023 ⏰

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