
243 17 7

{May 14th}

To live or die.

That's where the options for my life were sitting at right now. As simple as just those two things.

Lately there's been this nagging voice, pressuring me to choose. Do I wanna live? Or do I want to die? After everything that's happened, I tried to convince myself time and time again that it would be better if I just fell off the face of the earth.

I'm sorry for leaving you behind. This book- I mean. I didn't mean to forget about you. I know that doesn't feel great.

People forgetting you exist.

I've been thinking a lot about the people surrounding me. And how a lot of them have promised to be there for me.

The sad truth is, a promise is never really a promise. It's just something people say so they can get you to do what they want.

I've come to terms with that.
How wicked the world can be.

It's just life.

And I wanted to try living it again.

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