Christmas Special

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 SHIIIIIITT- So much for a NICE day to go grocery shopping. The lines were packed, everything was almost out, and even gifts were a hassle. Especially when you don't even know what to get your boyfriend, WHEN YOU'VE BEEN DATING FOR MONTHS- sigh. I checked my list...and checked it twice- aight I'll stop. I luckily managed to find HALF the things I needed to make some Christmas dinner. All I need now is...a present. Specifically for Haida. What the hell would he want? I tried asking him for hints and all he says all don't have to get him anything. Nah bro. I'm getting the stupid present and that's that. I looked around in the store and pondered about some ideas that he would like. I then thought for a second...maybe, something for his bass? Yeah. I'll head to the music store after this, long, very long, line. 

 After that half an hour line, I put the groceries in the trunk and drove to the music shop. The bell to the doors rang the moment I came inside as the front desk welcomed my arrival. I smiled and nodded then headed in to look around. I scanned through the music tracks he's into, I'm into them too, so I know. He's got a lot of these though, we both do. I kept scanning till there wasn't really anything that I thought he would be interested. Damn. I was about leave till I'm guessing the cashier saw my struggle and called me over to the desk. "Sorry, not interested in deals." I waved off. "It's not a deal sir, I noticed your struggles of trying to find a gift." "Wait, how do you know?-" "I heard your muttering." He chuckled. God damn it I need to work on that. "Anyways I thought this might help." He said handing me a CD case. I read what it said on the back. "It's also for 10% off because of the holidays, your friend will have a good gift and you won't have to pay too much for it. I think it would be a great gift if you're interested."

 Damn, had to admit. This would be a good gift. But, will he like it is the question? No, stop hesitating, my gut tells me...this is the one. I smiled at the cashier. "I think I'll do it, um where can I send the recording and when will it come?" I asked handing back the case. "I'll write you a link that can let you submit it, unfortunately because of the holidays, it might come a little late, but I will do my best to get it to you by Christmas Eve. Do you mind if you could send me your email." I wrote down my email and number while he gave me the link for the website. I said my thanks and happy holidays to the cashier and went back to my car. 

 I drove home and put my groceries away. Shortly after, I saw I got a text from Haida. 

 Drunk Hyena: Hey sunshine, was gonna ask if you were up for some coffee? If your not busy that is <3

Me: Yeah sure, I'ma just do something real quick and I'll meet at your place?

Drunk Hyena: Nah ill pick you up, just give me a time

Me: 20 minutes works

Drunk Hyena: Copy that. 

 I smiled and hesitated before texting:

 Me: Love you.


Drunk Hyena: I love you to Y/n. <3

I chuckled and put my phone in my pocket. It's been months, but I know he still get mad flustered af when I say that. I then went to my computer and started to order the gift and sent the video. I just hope it come on time. Since it took me 15 minutes to get to that dumb website, I had 5 minutes to grab my coat and everything till I got a text from Haida saying he was here. I walked out of the house and locked to door. I went over to his car to see he was out of it to greet each other. "Hey Haida!" I smiled. "Hey sunshine." He said as he hugged me. I hugged him back and buried my face into his neck to which he responded with ruffling my fur. 

Haida x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now