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FALSE GOD | xiii.


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DEVYN SAT AT BREAKFAST, AGGRESSIVELY STABBING HER PANCAKES with her fork. Madison watched her older sister wearily, as did Evelyn, Charlie, and Bella who Evelyn had invited over for breakfast. Devyn was now gripping the fork as one would a knife and driving it hard into the pancakes and Evelyn could no longer take her daughter's rage.

"Okay," she says as she stands and takes her plate, "No more pancakes for you."

Devyn looks at her pancakes and squeezes her fork in her hand, her knuckles growing white with how tightly she was squeezing, and Charlie reaches over and pries the fork from Devyn's hand, "And maybe no more sharp objects?"

"It's a fork," Devyn says.

"Yes but you're using it like a knife," Charlie says, "And I really don't want to bring you in 'cause you stabbed someone with a fork."

Charlie sets the fork down away from Devyn and Madison looks at it with wide eyes. Bella glances at it as well and her eyes grow wide as she snatches the fork off of the table.

"This wouldn't have anything to do with your ex-girlfriend returning to Forks, would it?" Evelyn asks as she retakes her seat.

"Mother," Devyn says in a forced sweet tone, "I know that in this house we preach respect of elders, so pardon me when I say this, but that was an extremely dumb question."

"Devyn's dead," Madison mutters softly.

"Because I know you're upset, I'm going to let that slide," Evelyn states, "I don't understand why you're so upset about Rosalie being back. I thought you might be happy to see her."

"Happy?" Devyn asks and she stops herself from speaking as she stands from the table, "You know what I need to get out of here before I say something that gets me banned from this house."

"Devyn," her mother says firmly, and Devyn shakes her head.

"I love you mom, but I can't do this right now," Devyn says as she heads toward the front door. She closes it gently behind herself, careful not to slam it because that was the one thing she wouldn't be able to get away with.

She goes outside, anger flooding her body. She was truly seeing red, just blind rage.

"Devyn!" Bella calls after her as she walks toward her.

"Do not try to calm me down," Devyn says as she looks at Bella.

"I'm not," Bella tells her as she holds up the fork Devyn hand been using. Devyn takes it to see that the fork was completely bent out of shape. It was also slightly melted. She looks up at Bella who is staring at Devyn.

"I did that?"

"Yeah," Bella says, "Did Catiline have super strength because this would take super strength."

FALSE GOD | leah clearwaterWhere stories live. Discover now