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He did it..I was free but I came back..Please don't do this.......HELP ME

"Baby I'm leaving" Jimin pouted as Jungkook put on his leather jacket over his black short matching with black pants

"Do you really have to take a break lets be a regular couple for once" Jimin backhugged Jungkook who was fixing his hair to cover his face "But we're aren't normal baby" Jungkook was about leave when Jimin gave him the dog eyes and pouted

"Fine Jimin" Jungkook took off his leather jacket and went back to bed with Jimin "I love you Kookie" Jimin said as he buried his face in Jungkook chest "I love you too Chimmy" They slept in past noon no one was their to awake them since Jin and Namjoon were taking their annual trip

"Baby wake up I'm hungry" Jimin shook Jungkook like crazy until Jungkook woke up and flipped Jimin over it was an instinct

"I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to it's a habit" Jimin just sat there on the floor in between Jungkook legs pouting

"That hurted" Jimin turned his head away from Jungkook "I said I was sorry" Jungkook turned Jimin head and kissed him

"That won't work this time make your own breakfast" Jimin stormed out the room blushing with Jungkook chasing behind him "Don't make me chase you"

"I told you don't make me chase you" Jungkook was now hovering over Jimin on the couch while Jimin turned to a tomato

"Get off me dumb bunny" Jimin pushed Jungkook off him and went to go eat lunch and made plans to meet up with Taehyung and Yoongi

"Hey TaeTae" Jimin ran to Taehyung almost making him fall over "Hey Jiminie" He said tiredly making Jimin worry

"Are you ok" Jimin lifted Taehyungs face up to make them look eye to eye "No..well yes I mean he's always gone" Jimin knew the pain he felt cause Jungkook did the same

"I get you but understand they were doing this before they met us or before he met you again" Jimin looked over at Jungkook and Yoongi who were talking with straight faces while Jimin was holding Taehyung arm like a bride getting walked down the aisle

"Do you ever notice when we're out in public they never smile" Jimin shook his head yes and walked over to the boys

"You guys ready" Taehyung and Jimin nodded their heads as they went in with their dates to the cafe

After ordering they sat at different tables for a little privacy Yoongi and Taehyung date seem to be going great but Jimin and Jungkook not so much cause Jungkook was always on his phone saying it was work Jimin knew what that meant which didn't make things better

"Jungkook" Jimin got nothing in response Jungkook was still looking at his phone "Kookie" Jimin called again and got no response so he just gave up and decided to go home

"See ya Kookie" Jimin kissed Jungkook cheek and left Jungkook was surprised and followed him out the Cafe not wanting to make a scene inside

"Jimin wait where are you going" Jungkook stepped infront Jimin noticing he was crying "Chimmy why are you crying" Jungkook tried to wipe Jimin tears but Jimin pushed his hand away

"Because of you, you barley paid attention to me I never relized how much of a self-centered selfish bastard you were if I did I don't think I would ever think of dating you" Jimin walked away leaving a confused heart-broken Jungkook by the waterfall Jimin did regret the words he said but inside Jungkook knew he was telling the truth

I never meant to hurt you.....I love you..Please don't hurt me....Someone Help me.......SHUT UP

What did I just do, Jungkook thought to himself. Ever since then they haven't talked to each other and their has been reports back to back about the Double Bunny everytime Jimin heard the news all he could think about was Jungkook he didn't even think about the people that were killed

"Will you just pick up the damn phone Jimin" Taehyung tried to convince Jimin to answer Jungkook calls but Jimin never did cause if he did he didn't know what was going to happen

"No Taehyung that's final not until I feel ready" Taehyung felt as if Jimin was being childish but didn't want to pressure him even more Jimin was secretly jealous of Taehyung and Yoongi relationship

After a few hours after Taehyung left Jimin heard the doorbell ring hoping it was Jin but it was someone else

Jimin opened the door to a drunk Jungkook, Jungkook walked right in and kissed Jimin it was slopy but lustful "Jungkook are you drunk" Jimin could taste the vodka he had before he came

"Yeah I am and I'm also sorry Jiminie" Jungkook kissed Jimin and Jimin kissed back after a while Jimin relized he was drunk and didn't know what he was doing

"Come on let's get to bed" Jimin helped Jungkook to the bed and left after he went to sleep which took about an hour and had a drink himself by the time he was done he was drunker than Jungkook to the point he fell out when Jungkook woke up he was fine but rushed downstairs when he heard a big bang in the kitchen

"Jimin...Jimin wake up please" Jungkook rushed Jimin to the hospital it took about 30 mintues to get there Taehyung wasn't there yet I mean it was almost 1 in the morning

"I got the results back he should be fine just had to much to drink to the point he might have an addiction if he tells you that he can't feel some of his limbs it's totally normal he's just numb and if his addiction gets worse he's gonna have to go to rehab" Jungkook kept a straight face in front of the doctors but broke down in tears when he went in Jimin room

"Jimin I'm sorry for putting you through this I told I wasn't gonna be able to protect but I still let you go through it with me but I can't stop being me I guess we have an addiction" Jimin chuckled at Jungkook words Jungkook head shot up faster than ever when he heard Jimin

"I guess it came back" Jimin let a tear fall down his eye" Jungkook was confused at this point "Jimin you've always had an addiction" Jungkook sad in a dissapointed yet questionable tone

"Yeah my dad gave me some as a teenager and I've been addicted since 17" Jimin broke down in tears "Jungkook I can't feel my legs" he tried wiggling his toes but failed "Jimin the doctor said it's normal so-" Jungkook was interrupted by Taehyung bursting through the door

"Sorry it took me so long it took me an hour to wake him up. Jiminie you promised me you'd stop" Taehyung felt a tear slip down from his eye to his cheek

"I know I'm sorry Taehyung what happened though the only think I remembered is Jungkook coming to the house drunk" Jimin rubbed his head from his major headache while Yoongi and Taehyung glared at him

"This is my fault I know ok!" He yelled before walking outside the hospital to smoke "I got him" Yoongi kissed Taehyung cheek before walking out

"Jungkook you know this isn't your fault well not 100%" Yoongi sat next to Jungkook "Yes it is if I never had came back drunk he wouldn't have got addicted again" Jungkook threw his cigerette on the floor "How'd you know he was an addict in the pass" Jungkook layed his head on Yoongi shoulders and they stayed like that for a while until they went back in

"Come on Jimin let's get you home" Taegi left as Jungkook helped Jimin in the car "Kookie can I get a kiss" Jungkook wanted to but shook his head no "Why not Kookie" Jimin whined "Because my lips tasting like Vodka is the reason you're here Jiminshi and I just can't" Jimin kissed his cheek while they were at the red light

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