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TW!!!/// RAPE

Jungkook father quickly called someone in horror. "He's free. He doesn't look like he's gonna stop till he gets what he wants...


Everyone scattered as the tall male figure walked down the halls. Whisperers and whimpers were all that could be heard. "You can't go in there!" Right as the tall figure was about to enter the conference room someone yelled out.

Blood splatters everywhere. He killed him. The tall figure licked the blood off his fingers before entering.

Everyone in the meeting looked up at male who was still licking blood off his fingers. "Who are you to-" He died. The male made eye contact with the other guy in there trapping him in some daze before he got decapitated.

"Who the hell are you" The only other man in the room spoke out. "I said I'd come back for you, love" The taller male walked up to much smaller male who stood up backing himself into the corner.

"Jung-Jungkook?" He stuttered. "Call me JK " He whispered. "JK?"...."Fuck, call my name again Jimin" Jungkook whispered seductively. "What the hell Jungkook. Did you kill them" Jimin gagged at the sight of the bodies. "They were in my way love. I came for only you" Jimin shivered at the feeling of Jungkook's tongue on his neck.

"S-stop" Jimin bit his lip trying his hardest not to let a moan slip out. "Jungkook why are doing this?!" Jimin yelled after pushing him away. He gasped as he felt Jungkook's tight grip on his neck. "What did I say my name is?" Jungkook growled. His eyes once again turning pitch black. "Ca-can't breathe" Jimin placed his hands on Jungkook's attempting to get them off.

"Lucky he loves you, or I would've killed you" Jungkook grip loosened a bit as he once again trailed his tongue on his neck, tracing up to his jawline. He pulled back staring at Jimin, who was near crying. 'Jk' attached his lips on Jimin's roughly as he continued to cry.

As much as he tried not to give in, he couldn't help but to kiss him back. As they kissed Jimin felt something sharp. He pulled away in fear. "Wh-what are you?" The voice of the small male betrayed him as he tried to sound confident.

"Some people calls me a monster, some called me a Night Walker. But at the end of the day I'm just a normal Vampire. Jimin stood in fear not sure what to think, do, or say. The father of his child was a monster.

"Don't be shocked love, we have much to do today" 'Jk' grabbed Jimin's hand taking a step forward, only to be somewhere else. "This is so fuckin trippy" Jimin said as he looked at his clothes, that were now casual instead of the suit he was wearing. "I've always wanted to take you here" JK spoke.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Jungkook asked while holding his hand out for Jimin. jimin grabbed his hand stepping forward only for them to be in a different setting. Jimin looked around. He was in a baby room, there were two cribs a boy and a girl crib. Jimin watched himself hold his baby. "See Jimin you become an amazing parent along with Jungkook" JK softly spoke.

"Take me back, JK" Jimin demanded. "Why, I want you to see what your future will be like. "I said take me back!" Jimin yelled. The ground started shaking all the lights flickering on and off. "You woke him up Jimin" JK said darkly. "Who?" Jimin asked looking around. "Just come with me" JK held his hand out. Jimin hesitantly grabbed his hand.

Jimin looked around as they were now in his room. "Are we actually back?" Jimin wondered skeptical "Mhm" Jk said quietly staring at Jimin. "What?" Jimin questioned. "I see what Jk sees in you" Jk spoke softly walking towards Jimin with a lustful look. "What are you doing?" Jimin backed accidentally falling in the bed behind him.

JK took this as an opportunity to hover over Jimin. "What the fuck" Jimin tried to push him off but he was bigger and stronger then him. "I am going to fuck you so hard" JK whispered in his ear.

"P-please no" Jimin begged. Jk smashed his lips against Jimin, putting his hands under his shirt. Jimin slightly moaned at the feeling of Jk hands caressing his body. Jimin resisted the kiss for as long as he could before he gave him.

He couldn't lie he missed Jungkook, and this was the closest thing he'd get. Jimin pulled back realizing that even if this 'thing' looked like Jungkook it isn't.

Before Jimin could fully get up, jk pulled his pants and underwear down along with his own. "Jk no" Jimin cried. "Please stop" Jimin sobbed but Jk wasn't listening.

He couldn't move, Jk looked him in the eyes and it felt like the weight of the world was holding Jimin down. "I do what I want" Jk growled. Jimin cried as he felt Jk lined his cock up with his hole.

He cried as Jk pounds into him, yet no amount of cries would get him to stop.

"Fuck" Jungkook groaned as he continued to fasten his pace. "Stop, p-please stop" Jimin sobbed.

"Ah~" Jimin let out a moan when Jk hit his sensitive spot. "I'm close" JK groaned loudly before releasing his load into Jimin. Jungkook slowed his pace as he chased his own high.

Jimin did nothing more then cry. That's all he could do. He felt nothing but disgust, disappointment, and weakness. "You belong to us and us only" Jk showed his fangs before leaning into Jimin's neck.

"JK!" A voice suddenly stopped Jk in his tracks. "But Min he's so -" JK said looking back at Jimin who was still crying. "Me. He's me Jk." The shadow figure finally showed his face. "Jimin your weak. Get the hell up and get out of here. Wake Jungkook up, I'm only being nice once" Min whispered in Jimin's ear who continues to sob.

"Min" Jk whined. "Shut up Jk." Min growled his eyes shining a bright blue. "Go" Min whispered one last time.

Jimin stood up wiping his tears. Seeing a door in front of him. He looked back at Min and Jk before going through the door. He was back in the conference room but it felt real this time. Jungkook was still there but his eyes were pitch black and he had no movement to him.

"Jungkook" Jimin called out but he stood there with no emotion. "Can you hear me?" Jungkook nodded. "I'm sorry, please come back to me" He begged. "Save me" Jungkook strained out. Jimin looked up at Jungkook, he had no idea what to do.

"I can't" Jimin cried then gave him a peck, thinking it'd be his last. After Jimin kissed Jungkook, his eyes started flickering from normal to all back.

Jimin had an idea so he kissed Jungkook one more time. Jimin hated himself for missing the feeling of his lips. After a while Jimin felt Jungkook kiss back. Blue and black smoke started swarming around them. "What happened?" Jungkook questioned.

"There's two of us, Min and Jk out the other us. Your a vampire and I have no idea what I am so yea. Jk kinda sorta raped me but I don't think it actually happened since we weren't in the real world." Jimin spoke quick as the smoke went everywhere.

After a few more seconds the smoke just disappeared allowing Jungkook to see the dead bodies. "Did-" Jungkook looked at the bodies as he was walking out. "Yea you did. Why are you so shocked your the Double Bunny" Jimin shrugged.

"I wanted to change Jimin. I wanted to be a normal business man but now I can't." Jungkook pulled his hair in frustration. "Fuck all of this mythology shit." Jimin just listened to Jungkook rant. He couldn't help but smile at the fact that Jungkook was really willing to change.

"I love you Jungkook" Jimin said out loud before thinking. Jungkook looked up at Jimin surprised, only because he's the one who ended it. "I never stopped loving you" Jungkook smiled. "Take it slow this time?" Jimin questioned nervously fiddling with his fingers. "Sure, but we still have to figure all this out." Jimin nodded, agreeing.


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