On My Own

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The same thing Everytime, right? Jimin thought as Jungkook walked out. After he heard the door shut he went to go check on the twins. "Hi baby" He said walking in seeing Kookmin awake. He smiled hearing both of them cooing. "Why can't we just be happy" Jimin smiled while wiping the tears that threatened to fall. "We won't ever be happy will we?" Jimin questioned himself while he played with the babies.

The few hours Jungkook left Jimin alone was driving him crazy. The few hours turned into a day. Them not wanting to be the one to break first, they didn't contact each other. Jimin of course told Jin and Taehyung what happened. They both said to just talk it out, but for Jimin and Jungkook talking never worked.

Jimin ended sleeping alone since it was obvious Jungkook wasn't coming home anytime soon. He cried himself to sleep. He loved Jungkook but just thinking of him made him happy but also broke him.

Without Jungkook it felt harder to go to sleep and as if time was dreading by.

When Jimin woke up the bed was still empty. He sighed and went towards the twins room to see the door half cracked. He looked in to see Jungkook playing with them. He smiled while tears fell down his cheek.

Jungkook turned around feeling the presence of someone else. "Hi.." Jungkook said with a slight smile. "Hi" Jimin responded with a small smile before walking in. "You know I love right" Jungkook said breaking the awkward silence. "Do you?" Jimin responded with a question. "Yes, I do. I really do I fucked up I know but I'm trying" Jimin sighed tired of hearing the same line.

"Try harder Jungkook" Jimin said before getting up to leave. "How can I know how to fix my mistakes if you keep walking away" Jungkook said leading Jungkook to turn around and look at me. "Me running away? No Jungkook, you run away from everything! You never solve the problem! You wanna know something, you...your the problem! You never try!" Jimin yelled at him.

Jungkook stared at Jimin with a pissed expression. "What the fuck do you mean Jimin? I'm trying so hard for you! You may not have had the best past but neither have I! You need to understand not everything revolves around you!" They continued to scream, ignoring the cries of the babies. "Get out!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook. "Get of this house! You aren't ever coming around my kids!" Jungkook laughed at Jimin which confused and pissed him off.

"You can't get rid of me!" He laughed! "You can't keep me away from my kids" He said in a more serious tone. "Get out Jungkook, fuck!" Jungkook silently nodded realizing he was serious. "Then give me back my ring" Jimin groaned before taking off his ring and throwing it at Jungkook which hit his lip, making it bleed. "Fuck you Jimin" Jungkook wiped the blood of his lip before leaving out the room.

Jimin stayed in the room and cried as he heard Jungkook packing his things. He walked into their room and stood by the door. "So what does this mean" Jungkook asked as he packed his stuff. "We're done Jungkook. I don't ever want you around my kids" Jimin said. "See you around Park" Jungkook said before leaving.

Once the door closed and the little metal key made a noise in the mailbox Jimin realized what he did. He really did just ruin his whole relationship. He wanted to break down and cry but he wouldn't allow himself.

He went back into the room with the twins then picked them up. "I really sorry" Jimin cried as he apologized to his babies who cooed. "I'm so sorry!" Jimin cried louder.

After calming himself down he called Jin and told him what happened. He and Jin decided that it would be best if he moved back to Korea and focus on his own career. He was almost 24 and he put his dreams on hold for Jungkook. Now he had no reason not to pursue his own career.

A month later Jimin turned 24 he moved back to Korea and started getting his life in order. He started working on his business plan for his future company. Jin wanted him to talk about what happened but he refused to say anything about Jungkook. It was like he was a different person. Cold, Brutal, and heartless. Most of the time he left the twins with Jin so he could focus on his business.

A few months later he had finally got the business up and it was going good. All he had to do was find a way to partner with a bigger business to get his stuff out there.

His new assistant knocked on his door as he was going through paper. "Come in" He said coldly. "We have a meeting with a big company" She said happily while Jimin sat with the stone cold face he always had. "Which company?" He asked while signing some papers. "Jeon Industries" Jimin dropped his pen and finally looked up at her.

"Fine let's set it up for tomorrow" Jimin went back to writing expecting her to leave. "Anything else?" He asked noticing her still standing there. "He can only do it today" She responded. "Fine" She bows before finally leaving.

"Jeon Industries.. huh" Jimin scoffed the went back to writing. After a few hours Jimin assistant alerted him that the meeting was happening soon so they had to leave.

Jimin showed no emotions on the way there but he was definitely awkward about seeing Jungkook or even his ex fiance father.

When they arrived Jimin was regretting agreeing to this. He took a deep breath before getting out the car. His assistant and guards walked on the side of him as they walked in.

"You need to sign in" The assistant at the front desk yelled after Jimin who just walked by. "Mr. Park is here" The assistant alerted Jungkook and his father.

Jimin burst through the conference room doors to see Jungkook and his father sitting there waiting for him. "Let's get this over with" Jimin took a seat on the end across from Jungkook while his father sat in the seat in the side.

"I was thinking we combine business or have a collaboration" Jungkook father suggested. "What do you mean collab?" Jimin chuckled bitterly. "You guys run a Mafia and I own clubs what can we possibly do." Jungkook shot his father a glare before looking back at Jimin who was carrying that stone cold face he used too.

"Dad could step out I wanna talk to Jimin" His dad along with Jimin assistant stepped out. Jimin leaned back in his chair fiddling with the pen in his hand waiting for Jungkook to say something.

"Jimin" Jungkook sighed. "No Jungkook I'm not doing this" Jimin stood up gathering his things. "Just give me this and we'll be done" Jimin shook his head trying to hold back the tears. "I don't owe you anything you took everything from me. I have nothing to give you!" Jimin yelled.

"Give me back my family Jimin!" Jungkook yelled back at him tears almost falling. "Get your life together first Jungkook." Jimin grabbed the rest of his stuff turning around to walk out.

"What about when I do?" Jungkook asked right before Jimin walked out. "See you around Jungkook" Jimin fixed his suit before walking towards the door. "About the offer, I'll have my assistant call you" Jimin said before walking out, the big brown doors slamming behind him.

"Fuck!" Jungkook cursed out loud throwing his things off the table. "Did he say yes?" His father asked once he came back in. "Shut the fuck up" Jungkook growled his eyes turning pitch black.

"What the fuck kid" His father exclaimed. "Who you calling kids?" Jungkook asked but it wasn't Jungkook. His voice was deeper, darker, and colder. His eyes stayed pitch black as a growl erupt from his throat.

Jungkook's father stood there in shock, staring at his son who looked him dead in the eyes before speaking. "I'm coming back from you" Jungkook smirked before he snapped his fingers disappearing from the spot he stood.

Jungkook father quickly called someone in horror. "He's free. He doesn't look like he's gonna stop till he gets what he wants...


I decided to work on one book at a time. I think this book will only have like 15 more chapters but who knows. :)

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