Forgive and Forget

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Jimin hugged Jungkook for a while. "Jungkook, you're ok" Jimin comforted him "Jimin I wanna stop being the Double Bunny, but I won't stop being a criminal. My dad is giving me his Mafia business" Jimin smiled at him before hugging him again. "You do whatever makes you happy, just promise our family will be safe" Jungkook kissed Jimin. On of his hands caressing his cheek the other one around his waist. "Promise" Jungkook mumbled on his lips

Time Skip

Jimin and Jungkook sat around the TV watching whatever came on. "Hello, who is this" Jimin answered his phone. "It's Jin-hyung" Jimin smiled through the phone hearing his voice again. "Jimin I miss you, when are you comin home" Jin asked Jimin as Jimin walked around his house talking. "Right before my baby is born. I will be there soon Jin-hyung, I really do miss you but we need to get our life together" Jungkook kissed Jimin cheek before leaving the livingroom to go to their bedroom. "I'm happy for you Jimin, I'm really sorry for mistreating Jungkook. I also had no right to tell you about your parents death like that" Jin apologized. "It's all good Jin-hyung, how have you been" Jimin said cheerfully, he and Jin talked like they used to but something was still missing. Maybe them being hours away from each other.

Jimin caught Jin up on everything that has happened. "So I will have a neice or nephew, or both" Jin teased. Jimin eyes widen once he heard Jin. "Twins!?! No way I already have to deal with Jungkook I can't deal with 2 more, plus you guys when we get back" Jimin and Jin laughed while Jungkook pouted hearing hearing Jimin. "I love you Jinnie, I'll try to convince Jungkoo to let us take a trip down there" Jimin smiled. "Bye Chimmy" Jimin hung up and turned to Jungkook.

"So, Kookie" Jimin hugged Jungkook waist. "I'll see maybe in a few months" Jungkook kissed the top of Jimin head resting his lips there for a minute. He'd do anything to make Jimin ahppy after what he did he felt as if he needed to prove himself to Jimin again. "I'm trying for you Jimin" Jungkook mumbled on his head. "I know Kookie" Jimin smiled against his chest. He could forgive Jungkook easily, that's the love he had for him. Forgetting isn't that easy. He couldn't close him eyes one time without remembering himslef going physco, sitting in that one room for that long. The pain he was caused mentally. The feeling of Jungkook workers trying to touch him, something he's yet to tell Jungkook. He works alongside the Double Bunny, he shouldn't be scared, right?

"Jimin-ah you ok" Jungkook as he felt Jimin tears dampen his shirt. "Jungkook, I'm scared" Jungkook hugged Jimin as he held on to his shirt for dear life. "Jimin what's bothering you so much, please tell. Jungkook begged Jimin, he had known Jimin was keeping everything in, but he couldn't for him to come on his own. "He touched me Jungkook, he wasn't you, I hated it, I feel disgusting" Jimin cried. He had so mych pain and sorrow in his voice. "Who touched you, Jimin" Jungkook said through his gritted teeth. Jimin watched as his became darker it no long scared him. "The first time you had your graud feed me, he touched me, I'm so sorry" Jimin cried harder and harder his tears becoming endlessly. "He won't ever do it again" Jungkoom voice sent shivers down his spine, it was scary than normal. "I'm sorry Jimin, I won't happen ever again. I'd kill anyone who touched you" Jungkook said in a low voice as he higged Jimin.

Jimin felt comoforted by this, he shouldv'e been scared, right? This just felt right, normal. Jungkook made a phone call, never taking his eyes off Jimin. "Roll back the cameras, whoever fed him first, I want them dead" Most people were frightened by Jungkook, Jimin, he found him a softy. Even under the moster he pretends to be his a very caring person, right, the real reason he's doing this is for someone. "Cause you love me and I love you" Jimin sang this to Jungkook everytime he was going out of it. Jimin couldn't help but to close his eyes and let the painful memories come rushing in, they hurted to relive, he liked he. Jungkook watched him a he occasionally shake his head. "Jimin you ok" Jungkook asked once hanging up the phone.

"I'm fine" Jimin said bitterly. He don't know why he switched it up so fast. Jungkook knew he had broken the Jimin he first met. This jimin he still loved, but wasn't the Jimin who he met. Yes he was still fearless, unstoppable, sweet, at times, caring. But he had the sparkle in his eyes, no matter who you were how wrong you've done him, he'd still care about you, not anymore. Where are you Jimin, I've broken you. I'm sorry. Jungkook said in his mind. He was mentally breaking down inside. "Let's watch the news" It was their favorite things to do as a couple.

"The Double Bunny has gone missing, but the Ally Cat has been on a streak. Where is the Double Bunny, has he given up, has he got caught? What about their unidentified partner some says he's a Mysterious Beauty. Is this new gang going around the street is where the Double Bunny has been. Back to you Lee." Jungkook and Jimin chuckled at the news reporter. Mysterious Beauty is certainly was Jimin was. Jungkook thought as he fondlly watched Jimin walk to the Kitchen. Jungkook phone rang making him upset. "What" he answered. "It's me Yoongi, how you gone move away without telling me, leave me with all your shit, and then start a fucking gang" Jungkook chuckled at Yoongi. It wasn't a mystery that he was upset. "I had to get my priorities right, I'm not leaving you on your own, and dad gave me his Mafia business" Jungkook answered as if this was normal talk. "Jeon you need to get yo stuff straight, before I knock you in your face" Yoongi laughed. "Who is it" Jimin asked hugging Jungkook from behind. "Yoongs, put Tae on the phone" Jimin jumped up and down, Jungkook laughed at his childish behavior. "Tae" Jimin shouted excitedly. "Jimin-shii, I missed you, have you told him" Taehyung barbounded him with questions. "First off, I missed you too, I have told him" Jimin looked at Jungkook then let a smile creep on his face while looking at the ground.

"Jimin listen, I hated Jungkook ever since I found out what he did, but I know you love him so I beg you to try" Jimin had walked into his and Jungkook shared room for a little more privacy. "Tae I'm trying" Jimin broke down and cried holding the phone to his ear using one hand while the other was on his forehead. "Tae I know he didn't mean it but I felt like he was in there somewhere, he could've saved me. I went crazy in there Tae, talking to him, talking the little voices in my head, he could've, Tae, he" Jimin couldn't complete his sentence, he was full of too much pain to keep in. He kept it in for so long, he was about ready to explode. "Jimin even I know, he wouldn't put you through that, he loves you, you loves him, it's not easy bring in love with a criminal, now is it, but you can't help you fell in love with him" Tae spoke softly, this is what Jimin neeeded, his best friend, someone to understand.

"Thank you Tae, I love you so much" Jimin said through his cries. "Hey Chim, you know I love you, never say thank you, I'm here for you, love you" Taehyung hung up. Jimin sat there on the floor with the the phone on the side of him, crying. He wanted to try so much for the man he loved and he knew loved him.

Suddenly Jungkook phone recived a message. Jimin looked over at it wishing he hadn't.

Baby, even though we had a contract, we're still married
Call me baby, I miss you

Jimin couldn't believe what he saw. He's had enough lies in his life, from Jungkook, from everyone. He couldn't believe what he saw. He called one of Jungkook guards to get him on the next flight to Korea, he just wanted to be home. He heard Jungkook singing happily in the kitchen, his voice was the last thing he wanted to hear. He hurridly packed his luggage, ready to leave. He stormed out of the room slamming the phone in Jungkook chest, looking his right in the eyes, then taking his leave. Jungkook was left there dumbfounded, till he looked at his phone.

Jimin had already left. He slid down the counter crying hars, for the first time in a while. He watched as Jimin walked out his life.

Hi my babys
I hoped you enjoyed this
Even bigger plot twist coming up next chapter
It will be a while till I update tho
Sorry, Love Ya'll

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