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I'm here to tell you that I was planning to change up the titles
because the titles are actually a message it was in one of Jungkook dreams
Enjoy this very short makeup chapter

Flashback before Jungkook was drugged

"Jimin's already mad at me I never meant to hurt him" Jungkook said to himself as he had a mental breakdown in the bathroom he only wanted to protect Jimin not hurt him in any way

Jungkook decided to take a nap after having a self reflection

In Dream

"Where am I" Jungkook wasn't aware he was in a dream it felt so real "Listen Jeon Jungkook you and that boy aren't meant to be it's all a dream" A mysterious voice said in Jungkook dream leading him to look around after a while of the same man repeating the same line Jungkook woke up

Flashback Jimin was locked in that room

Jungkook P.O.V

Somewhere deep inside me knew that I still loved but the part that refused to believe it took over it overpowered the feelings I had for him It was all just a dream we aren't meant to be I'm sorry love I kept repeating to myself I did everyday until I believed it


We had just moved all the boxes in Jimin took a nap while I unpacked a few things he kept making noises in his sleep but it was totally normal now

Author P.O.V

Everytime Jimin sleep he always remember when he was locked in that cold, empty room it was nightmares he couldn't escape he was still afraid to tell Jungkook he trys his best not to sleep as much but with Jungkook frocing him it isn't helping the matter of these nightmares but it's on him for not telling

Jimin Dream

He continued to scream for help even though no one was there to help All I know is that he hurt you....But I can't help that I love him... Someone..please help me.. I don't know whats going on I kept repeating in my head as if I had someone in there talking back to me

He kept reliving the moments where he talked to himself I never wanted this to happen.... He warned me and I did it anyways....I love him so much that I hate him..Help me please I don't know what's happening to me "why do I keep talking to myself" Jimin questioned himself in his dream


"Jungkook" Jimin yelled from the bedroom "What's wrong" Jungkook rushed to the room where Jimin was "Jimin what's wrong" Jungkook tried his best to comfort Jimin who wouldn't stop crying "Please stay with me" Jungkook got in bed and slept next to Jimin

Jungkook didn;t know why Jimin wouldn't tell him what's wrong it really bothered him so he came to a conclusion that Jimin still didn't trust him as much as he did before

Few hours later

"Jungkook pay attention to me" Jimin playfully yanked on Jungkook arm as he kept his eyes glued on the screen "Pay attention to me or I will do it" Jungkook chuckled at Jimin treat and continued working "Stop it Jimin" Jungkook said as Jimin continues kissing his exposed neck

Smut continues next chapter ehehe

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