'To Fight for Love Pt. 2

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While Jungkook was inside paying for all the broken glass. Jimin was outside arguing with HyunA while Taehyung held him back, or at least tried. "If you ever threaten my babies life again I will fucking kill you, heifer" Jimin yelled while getting held back by Taehyung. "You a crazy motherfucker, but you think you scare someone, cute" HyunA teased. At this point Taehyung gave up on holding him back and let him go. While Jimin and Hyuna argued, Taehyung took a seat on the pavement and watched. "You think he loves you? Don't you? He'll only use you, because he only loves me" She yelled. All of this took place as Jungkook was in the store. "Somebody come get they hoe, before I do" Jimin said outloud. "That's all you boo" Taehyung smiled sipping on his drink, no one knows where it came from.

By the time Jungkook came out the store, HyunA and Jimin were having a full fist fight, and Taehyung was just chilling on the pavement eating snacks and drinking like he was watching The Kardashins in the flesh. "What the hell" Jungkook cursed under his breath before dropping the bags and running over to the two. "Back the fuck away HyunA!" Jungkook yelled but the were both ignoring him. "Jeon Jimin!" Jungkook yelled really loud making Jimin stop to look over his shoulder at him giving him the 'really' look. While HyunA stood there shocked and Taehyung sat with his mouth hanging open as if someone just got caught cheating. "Taehyung get in the car before I call Yoongi" Taehyung hurried and gathered all his open snack boxes and rushed to the car.

When they entered the home Jimin went straight to his room not saying a single word. "Hey, what's up Jungkook" Jin asked coming in a few moments later. "Jimin got into a fight with HyunA" Jungkook sat down at the counter accepting the glass of water. "Let me guess. HyunA is your wife, they ran into each other and escalated from there" Jungkook nodded his head then took sip of his water. "He's not hurt but I can't say the same for her" Jin chuckled at the sight of Jimin beating some bitch ass while in a skirt.

A few moments later Jimin came downstairs to grab something to eat. "Hey, Jimin you okay?" Jin asked when Jimin came downstairs with his head down. "Yeah, I'm fine" Jimin mumbled still looking at the ground. "Jimin come here" Jimin walked towards Jungkook with his head down. "Show me your face" Jungkook waited for Jimin to his head up and when he did he went into full rage. "Jimin what happened" Jin rushed to Jimin examining his face. He had a slightly black eye and a cut on his nose and two one under each eye. "Did she bring a knife to a fist fight?" Jin yelled more than asked.

Jungkook got up out his seat and ran upstairs and Jimin followed. "Jungkook, please don't! Your promised me! Jimin tried holding on to Jungkook's arm. "Jimin let go of me" Jungkook said in a raspy voice. "Jungkook it's not fair! I hurt her too, she doesn't deserve this!" Jimin pleaded already knowing what Jungkook was gonna do. Jungkook quickly got his black leather outfit on and grabbed the gun he kept in his safe. He never really took it out but it seemed like the right time. "Jungkook!" Jimin cried out. "Jimin stop! She has done more than enough to deserve this" Jungkook held Jimin by his waist but took his hand away he came in contact with something wet. "Jimin your bleeding" Jimin put his hand on the wound trying to stop the bleeding. "Jin call Tae! Tell him it's an emergency!" Jungkook yelled from upstairs.

Jungkook finished zipping up his jacket then left the room. "Jungkook, don't leave me!" Jimin cried out while holding in wound but Jungkook just ignored. "Jungkook she doesn't deserve this! Please Jungkook" His loud cries turned into quiet sobs. "Jimin, just let him. She gets what she deserve" Jin held Jimin down. "He's gonna kill her!" Jimin yelled while crying. "It's ok Jimin, it's ok" Normally Jin didn't support this kind of thing but she deserved it. Jimin was like his child.

Jungkook crept in the dark night not being spotted by a single person. Good thing he did parkour so it was easier to hop from roof to roof. He reached her house with about 20 minutes. The only thing on his mind was the picture of her sinister smile and how Jimin cried. He felt bad for leaving him like that but this was all for him. He arrived at her doorstep and rung the doorbell. A soon as she answered he covered her mouth and closed the door using his foot. "Say anything or scream I will slit your throat right here right now." Jungkook threatend. All she could do was nod her head. "You know HyunA, you hurt my family so much" Jungkook took off his hood that covered most of his face. "Jungkook, baby. Why are you doing this?" She yelled.

Jungkook let out a chuckle. "You made me and my family suffer so much. You raped my brother, you forced me into your twisted relationship, you are a minupulater. Then you hurt Jimin. That was your last time." Jungkook took a seat in a chair and talked to her normally. "Jungkook I love you. I would never do anything to hurt you" She cried out in tears. Jungkook wasn't falling for her excuses. "You almost had me" Jungkook took his gun out and played around with it" She looked at the gun in fear. "Jungkook no please Jung-" The bullet fired before she even got a chance to speak. Hitting her right in between her eyes. Jungkook watched as her body slowly fell over. It felt and look pleasurable.

He put his gun back in his jacket and walked out the back door as if nothing happened.

When he got home Jimin was on the couch with a bandage wrapped around his waist with Jin and Taehyung taking care of him. He silently went upstairs still feeling bad for the way he ignored Jimin, but he did what he had to do. He went upstars and threw his clothes in the washer then changed into some comfortable clothes. The picture of her lifeless body laying there kept replaying in his mind, it was a relief knowing she was gone. Eventually he went downstairs about a hour after they left. "Jimin" Jungkook called out while coming downstairs. "Jungkook did you really?" Jimin asked with tears in his eyes. "Jimin I know I promised, I am so sorry. I told you I'd kill anyone who'd touch you, I keep my words. Jimin I love you so much but I need you to either accept the fact I killed her or forget about it." Jungkook kissed Jimin's forhead. "Look on the bright side, I'm no longer married" Jimin chuckled at Jungkook before whincing in pain. "Don't laugh then stupid" Jungkook laughed making Jimin laugh.

The ended up sleeping the the living after Jimin begged Jungkook to make a fort and watch a movie. Jungkook didn't mind doing it for Jimin, his Jimin.

Magical Time Skip

For the first time in ever Jungkook woke up before Jimin. He looked over to his phone to find a text from Taehyung.

When you wake up be sure to change his bandage
use the solutions I left in the bag on the couch
Don't give in no matter how much he whines
Check on him every hour or so
Also he has pills he needs to take with water only!
Take care of him
Hey! No funny business with him he has stiches
I know your worried about him being pregnant but
the baby did not get hurt :)
He needs no stress the baby is due in about a month.

Jimin had never told him when the baby was due so he never asked. "Jimin" Jungkook attempted to wake Jimin up. "Mhm" Jimin groaned while moving in his sleep. "Wake up, mamas. We gotta changed the bandage." Jungkook got up to look for the bag Taehyung had mentioned. By the time he had found it and went back to Jimin, he was up. "Look how the table has turned. Almost a year ago you were the one changing my bandages." Jungkook looked up and met with Jimin's blue eyes. "Do you got contacts on?" Jungkook asked. "No why?" Jimin responded leaving Jungkook clueless. "Your eyes are blue" Jungkook said while finishing wrapping Jimin's bandage. "I remember my mom told me her eyes did the same thing. She originally had grey eyes." Jimin reminised with a fond smile.

After Jungkook had finished with the bandage he helped Jimin up to the kitchen so he can make breakfast for him. "Jungkook are you sure you know how to cook?" Jimin asked while sitting at the counter. "Yes, I cook all the time just not when I'm with you" Jimin rolled his eyes and sat back while Jungkook cooked. While cooking Jungkook kept teasing Jimin by throwing some flour at him ever once in a while. For once they looked like a happy family.

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