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1 week later......

Jungkook called Jin and the rest of the guys to tell them about his true self Jimin was fully aware of what was gonna happen but Jungkook still thought it was only right

"Jimin they're here" Jungkook said nervously he might be a criminal but he was afraid of one thing and one thing only losing Jimin

"Come in" Jungkook said nervously when he opened the door to see Jin in the front "Hey Kook they all greet him happily going to Jimin who was
acting sleep

"So why are all here Jungkook" Hoseok asked everyone agreeing with him "The reason Jimin and I were gone so long was because I was drugged and.....I kept him in a room all that time" All the guys went silent and looked straight at him

"Jimin" Jin called leading Jimin to sit up and look at him with a tear in his eyes "Is this true" Jungkook sat there and looked at Jimin who nodded his head "What else" Hoseok asked with anger in his voice

"I'm the Double Bunny, Yoongi is Ally Cat" Jungkook sighed and sat back down with his head in is hands with his elbows resting on the thigh "T-That night when it was three people" Jin couldn't seem to finish his sentence from anger and dissapointment "It was Jimin wasn't it" Hoseok asked confused but sure of it "Yes, Jin Hyung I know I you already don't like Jungkook but he did nothing wrong" Jimin tried sticking up for Jungkook but it didn't go as plan "What do you mean Jimin he's a murderer he needs to go to jail him too" Jin began pulling out his phone while everyone argued "Stop!!! Damnit I'm happy isn't that what matters and Jin you call the police I go too" Jin put his phone up and glared at Jimin and Jungkook while they tried to calm everyone

"I told you this was a bad idea" Jimin admitted infront of them making everyone be quiet "Jimin I could care less about how they think about me but if they think your not safe with me then you should go with them and forget about me" Jin was confused Was telling them Jungkook idea and not Jimin, Does he really care Jin thought to himself

"Jungkook what's the reason behind your murders" Jin asked surprising eveyone "I just wanted to make my dad proud at first I was only supposed to kill the people that killed my mother then he gave me this book and I was supposed to kill every single person who ever did wrong to out family" Jungkook admitted while Jimin held his hand knowing it was hard for him to talk about it

"Jimin pack your things it's time to go" Everyone left out the house leaving Taehyung, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jin alone "No I wanna stay with him" Jimin moved from Jin to Jungkook side leaving Taehyung nrevous of how Jin would react "Jimin you have to be at home by tomorrow night or I'm calling the police Taehyung I'm diassapointed in you both" The last thing they wanted to hear was Jin being dissapointed

"No, your not my mother I don't have one so stop pretending I'm grown I can do as I please" Jimin yelled at Jin not regretting a word he said "You wanna know something about mothers his killed yours that's the real reason I didn't like him this only gives me another reason I expect to see you" Jin walked out the door letting a long sigh wiping his tears before walking to his car

"Bye Tae" Jimin stated quietly as Taeyung and Yoongi left out "Kookie you know he'll call the police tomorrow" Jungkook sighed and layed on the bed trying to forget but couldn't "Then run away with me and once Jin calms down we can come back" Jimin was shocked by Jungkook idea not liking that he has to leaves his best friend

"Jungkook I don't know" Jimin layed beside Jungkook hugging his waist knowing Jungkook was ok with physical contact now "If we do we both can live freely and I'll take a break from being the double bunny" Jungkook knew that was the only way to get Jimin to come "Fine, we can start packing I'll write a note for Taehyung

Dear, Jin hyung and Taehyung I left with Jungkook by choice
Jin please don't call the police I love him too much I don't
want anything to happen Taehyung don't worry I'll talk to
you everyday I'll be the same Jimin I was before only hours away
Jin I see why you don't want me to be with Jungkook but try to understand
that this is my choice and my life you raised me the best you could and I
thank you for that tell Joon Hyung thanks he'll understand and tell
Hoseok that he won't be forgotten
Taehyung tell Yoongi he's like a brother to me and if he does anything
I'm only a call away Taehyung, Jin please keep up with the house I'm trusting you
We will be back just not any time soon
Jin please don't make the call that'll be the end of my life
Love, Minnie

"Ok It's done let's pack" Jimin wiped his tears not noticing the one that had fallen on the letter "Don't cry Minnie it's gonna be a good break for us come on I called one of my men he has the moving truck" Jungkook cupped Jimin face then used his thumbs to caressed the sides of Jimin face

After packing all day by night fall they were already on the rode to California where they'd have their life planned out there just not knowing it yet "Maybe it's for the best" Jungkook mumbled while Jimin slept on his lap dosing off himself they had reached a resting point the last one before they hit California where they would live a better life "Jimin come on lets eat something then we have to get back on the rode" Jungkook let Jimin out the truck first following behind them

"I love you Kook" Memories started flooding back into Jungkook mind good and bad "I love you too Minnie"

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