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It has been a year since Niklaus and Elijah Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall died since then some things had changed, especially Hope Andrea Mikaelson.

The tribrid had been trying to find some way to resurrect them, but the Other Side had been gone long before, so it was impossible to do that.

Now, we can see all the Mikaelson cousins, together with the Gilbert and the Saltzman siblings, in a glade in the middle of the forest. Hope had finally found a way to have her parents and uncle back.

"Hope, why did you call all of us here" one of Hope's best friends, Lizzie, asks.

"I think I have found a way to return my parents and uncle Lijah" Hope answers.

"How? Don't you remember that my mom told us that the Other Side no longer exists? So, we cannot resurrect them" Hope's cousin, Hannah, tells her.

Hannah wanted to have her uncles and aunt back, but she also knew that it was impossible, even if it hurt.

"I know, but there is another way to have them back. I have found a spell in Esther's Grimoire. It needs some powerful witches, at least one of them being a Mikaelson, and we need to do it in a full moon, such as today." Hope explains.

"What is this exactly going to do?" Angel, another of Hope's cousins, asks.

"We will travel in time to before they died and then we will save them" Hope answers excitedly.

"Is not travelling to the past a little bit dangerous? Don't you think that something will happen if we see ourselves in the past?" Bella, another friend of Hope, asks worriedly.

"We only have to hide from ourselves from the past and nothing will happen" Henrik answers, then stops and asks. "When will we do it?"

"In a few hours will be the full moon, so we should start to prepare it and if you want to bring something you should go and pack." Hope answers.

With that said the group parts in half, one half helping Hope to prepare for the spell to send them back in time and the other half going to their houses to pack some of their belongings that they may need in their journey.

When the time arrives, when the full moon is in his highest point, the teenagers and kids start to make their way to the center of the circle with their belongings in packs. While Hope, Henrik, Hannah, Josie and Lizzie said the spell.

After a few moments, a blinding light covers the glade and when it disappears, the teenagers and kids had disappeared as well.

Mystic Fall, 2010

A blinding light suddenly appears in the forest near Mystic Falls, making that full moon night very bright.

When the light disappears, there were 11 teenagers and kids lying in the floor sleeping.

Sometime later, one of them wakes up. It was a beautiful girl with brown large straight hair and hazel doe eyes, called Miranda, she was one of the younger of all of them.

She looks around her and sees that her cousins and friends are all lying around sleeping.

She starts to wake up all of them and when they are all awake, she asks the question that has been in her mind since she woke up.

"Where are we?"

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