Chapter 1

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"I do not know. The sun is rising, so I think that we should get out of the forest to know where we are exactly." Hope says, while standing up.

"Where and when. We do not know if the spell worked." Nora says, while some of them nodded agreeing with her.

With this, the teenagers and kids started to walk until they found a town, that was very familiar to a pair of twins.

"Uh, does someone know where are we? Because this does not look very much like New Orleans." Grayson, Miranda's twin asks.

"We are in Mystic Falls." Josie answers him.

"This is Mystic Falls? Why are we here?" Luke, the youngest of them asks.

"The spell brought us near to where uncle Nik, uncle Lijah and Aunt Hayley are in the past, so maybe they are here." Henrik, the oldest answers.

"But my parents weren't in Mystic Falls a year ago." Hope exclaims.

"I think we should look what year are we then? There are some newspapers there. Let us look." Hannah says.

They approach the cabinet with newspapers and see the date: October 19, 2010.

"What?! We are 18 years in the past?!" Angel exclaims shocked.

"Angel, please calm down. We do not want people to hear you." Bella says trying to calm the vampire.

"We are not even born nor conceived yet." Hope says despaired. "How are we going to save my parents if that's not even going to happen until 17 years later?"

"We can still do it. We can advise them or something about the Hollow. Then maybe we could avoid it." Miranda says trying to bring the mood up.

"Yes, we must do it. But we must be careful. I think we would want to be born in the future, so we cannot change anything that might make that our parents does not end together." Nora says.

"We might even save our mother, seeing as she hasn't even met our father." Josie says excited.

"Maybe, for now we do not even have a way to return to our time, so we should try to change bad things that are going to happen. As is, my parents, our uncle and the twins' mother deaths." Hope says determinately.

"I think we should split up around Mystic Falls, maybe we can find some of our parents' past selves." Bells suggests.

"That is a good idea. And maybe we can know what is happening right know. I mean I know that my parents are going to fall for one another soon, but I do not know much more. They never told us what happened when they were in Mystic Falls." Hannah says complaining about the lack of information.

The others did not say anything because it was the same for them. Their parents never once told them about their time in Mystic Falls.

"Well, our mom told us about how she used to be best friends with yours." Lizzie says to Hannah. "But something broke them apart, she never told us what."

Hannah nods at this new little piece of information.

"I think that every pair of twins should go together, then the Gilbert siblings and Nora, Angel and me together." Hope says.

"That's a good plan, but what are we going to do if we found some of our parents, do we tell them or not?" Angel asks.

"I think that maybe we should wait and see. The best we could do is to see first what is happening and the decide if we them or if we tell all of them or only some of them." Miranda says.

"What if they ask our names?" Grayson asks. "I mean Henrik has our uncle's name, and Miranda and me our grandparents."

"I think you should go by Nik, Henrik by Jer and Miranda by Jen." Hannah says. "Those are some common names, so it is less possible for them to question it."

"Okay, then let's go." Angel says excited.

"Wait" Bella shouts. "Where are we going to meet?"

"I think we should meet at the Mystic Grill at the end of the day and Henrik and Hannah should go find somewhere for us to stay." Hope answers.

With this said, everyone nods and splits around the town.

POV Hannah:

Me and my brother are walking in the middle of the square in front of the church.

"How exactly are we going to find somewhere to stay for 11 people?" My brother asks irritated.

"No idea. Maybe we should ask the sheriff or the mayor?" I offer.

"And where are we going to find them?"

"Why don't we ask to someone in there?" I say signaling what seems to be the Mystic Grill.

"Fine, let's go."

We, then, go inside the Mystic Grill, which seemed full of teenagers or adults drinking and playing pool with their friends.

My brother and I approach the bar, where a blonde blue-eyed bartender was attending, and try to talk to him.

"Uh, excuse me?" I try to ask kindly, but it seems that with all the noise he did not hear me.

"My sister is trying to talk, asshole." And there goes my brother, as always, acting as my father.

I sigh and turn around seeing that now the bartender is watching us.

"Ehem, sorry, I did not see you. Are you new in the town?" He asks us.

"Yes, that is why we wanted if you knew where the sheriff is. We wanted to ask if there was somewhere for us to stay." I say, acting shyly and I hear my brother scuff at my act.

"Oh, you are searching for the sheriff. She is in that booth; she is in her break time." He says signaling to a booth where a woman in her late thirties or maybe early forties is sitting, she also had blonde hair and blue eyes as the bartender, but she looked more like a grown-up version as Caroline, the Saltzman twins' mother, from the photos we had seen.

We say goodbye to the bartender, of whom we do not know the name, and approach the booth where the sheriff is sitting.

"Uhm, good morning sheriff." I start a little bit uncomfortable, in the end this was probably the grandmother of two of my friends.

"Yes, who are you?" She asks us.

"I'm Hannah and this is my brother Jer, we are new in town together with our siblings and cousins and we were wondering if there was somewhere for us to stay." I explain her.

"And your parents?" The sheriff asks skeptically.

"Our parents left us here and then they had to travel to another place, they are always travelling for their work." I answer her. I hope she believes my story.

"They left you here. Without buying a house or anything?" She asks.

"Well, they didn't have time for that, but they did leave us money to be able to survive and to find a place to stay." My brother says.

'I mean that's partially true; we have money that our parents gave us from the future, but they didn't give it so that we can survive alone.' I think.

"Well, I have a friend who lives in a Boarding House and has plenty of space."

'That's probably the house that will be used as our school' I wonder thinking about the Salvatore Boarding School.

"But how many kids are you?" She asks.

"Oh, in total we are 11" My brother answers.

"But some of us can share the room." I intervene.

"Well, I will now phone him and ask if you can stay. He will probably come here and ask some questions. But first, where are the others?" The sheriff asks us.

"Oh, we split up to explore the town, but we decided to meet in here at the end of the day." I answer her.

"Okay, I will now phone myfriend." With that she takes her phone and calls her friend.

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