Chapter 3

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Two days later

POV Angel:

For the past two days we were locked in the Salvatore Boarding House, not literally, but we did not want the Salvatores attention on us and by not leaving the house we got to know that they are basically in a war against Uncle Nik.

"Guys" Hannah starts entering the room where the rest of us are. "I have found this letter in the front of the house. I would not have picked it, but it is directed to us."

"Read it" Hope says.

"Please join the Mikaelson family this evening at seven o'clock for dancing, cocktails and celebration..." Hannah reads.

"What does that mean? I thought that only my father was here." Hope says confused.

"I remember my mother telling me that Uncle Nik used to dagger his siblings, but one day they were all un-daggered. Maybe that day was yesterday..." I say remembering the story that my mom told me.

"Does that mean that we are going to a ball and see our parents?" Grayson asks. I think that he is dying to see his father again or his mother, even if they do not even know them.

'Now that I think about it, I think that they do not even know each other yet.'

"No, Henrik, Hope, Josie, Lizzie and I are going to the party, the rest are too young, and we don't even know if something is going to happen." Hannah says seriously.

At this the ones that were not mentioned, including me, furrow our brows.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Because, as Hannah said, we don't know if something is going to happen in the party and because you are too young, and I don't think that they would let kids that don't even go to high school to go to a party with alcohol." Hope answers.

At this we decide to concede, at least they could see our parents and maybe know a little bit about what is happening.

"There is a problem" Josie starts. "We need clothes for this evening"

After that was said we decided to go to the mall and help them find and buy clothes for the ball.

POV Elena:

Stefan, Damon and I are in the kitchen talking about what happened the night before, when Bonnie opened the last coffin.

"It was their mother Esther who was sealed in that coffin." I say thinking about what Bonnie told me.

"As in the Original Witch?" Stefan asks.

"What? How is she even alive? Thought her hybrid freak show of a son ripped her heart out a thousand years ago." Damon was trying to deny that inside the coffin was their mother instead of a weapon to kill Klaus.

"I do not know. I am guessing she has a couple connections in the witching community. Elijah said that she wants to live in peace with her family, including Klaus." I answer them, a little confused as they were about how is she alive.

"She was supposed to be the weapon to help us kill Klaus." Stefan retorts.

"Well, not least not according to Elijah." I was angry too about being again at point one.

"That coffin was the only thing stopping Klaus from tearing us to shreds." Stefan exclaims.

"Anyone else feeling a little used right now?" Not only you Damon, but there is nothing we can do.

"Look, Elijah promised me that his family wouldn't hurt any of us." I was getting a little tired about this conversation, when suddenly the doorbell rings, but before going to open I tell them.

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