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Hope you all are enjoying the story. I am going to do the following morning and do a time hop, just a couple weeks. But this will allow me to get further into the relationships that are developing. This will also be a much longer chapter. Enjoy!

~The next morning.

The rain was still pattering on the metal top of the trailer as Eddie and Mickey laid atop one another. Her fingers had the ends of his curly hair, laying on his bare chest and he had an arm wrapped around her chest and hand tucked under the back of her bra the other hand resting on the arm that was across his chest. Eddie's eyes fluttered open and looked over at the clock, 9:56am.

Fuck. He thought, not only cause they were late for school but he was having a situation in his pants. He looked over at the snoozing Mickey, her lips slightly parted and light breaths bouncing onto his chest. He pulled his arm from around her and she clung to him, eyes peeking open.

"Princess I need to go to the bathroom."Eddie whispered as her eyes opened more.

She watched him get up and rolled onto her stomach attempting to go back to sleep. A couple minutes and she was relaxing again when Eddie plopped down beside her. "So you saying fuck school?" he laughed.

Mickey turned and looked at the clock, 10:15am. "I guess so." she sighed placing her head back on his chest. "I was sleeping really well."

"Me too, sweetheart." he whispered, pulling her into him.

Eddie rubbed her arm and noticed the tattoo on her wrist. 013. "Thirteen?"

Mickey's eyes shot open and she pulled her arm back. "Yeah, my birth parents had me marked with it. I am not sure why." she lied.

I will tell you one day. He pulled her in tightly and apologized. She rubbed his back and breathed him in.

"You keep doing that and we are gonna have issues princess." he chuckled lightly.

"Oh I am so sorry." She trembled placing her hand stationary.

===A month later===

Mickey climbed out of the van and stomped on the cigarette she had finished and tossed her bag over her shoulder. She pulled her hair up in a ponytail and waited for Eddie to come from his side. The new kid had wore off at this point and she could be a normal high school student. Mickey was managing to stay on top of everything pretty well and she was helping Eddie too. Things hadn't really progressed in their relationship, lots of nights eating junk food and watching a movie then passing out snuggled with one another. Mickey felt comfortable with him and close to him, she hadn't felt this bond with another human before, so to say they were attached at the hip was an understatement.

"Let's go princess." Eddie grinned pulling on his denim jacket.

They both walked toward the school when Billy approached The two of them.

"Hey Mickey!" Billy greeted wrapping his arm around her neck.

Mickey's body clenched under his touch, there were plenty of rumors flying that told her what he was after, she wasn't the only he was chasing. She picked his arm up and removed it, "hello Billy."

"So I've been thinking," he started. "How about you let me take you roller skating and for a bite."

That did sound like fun. She hadn't made any plans yet with Eddie and they weren't dating, a friend is a friend right?

"Ya know, I'll let you." She agreed watching his face light up, "only as friends. Nothing else." She enforced.

"Fair." Billy grinned, "tonight okay?"

It's gonna be my year. Eddie Munson X OCWhere stories live. Discover now