Show No Mercy.

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The storm kept Mickey and Eddie up most of the night. There wasn't much chatter between them as Mickey felt some way about him kissing her and saying that girl. Eddie wanted to tell her he would move the stars for her but he didn't.

"Mickey." Eddie whispered.

"Hmm." She hummed rolling toward him.

"What happened to your folks?"

Mickey laid there fighting back tears, "they were murdered."

The government was going to. Her parents had a life like replica built by Papa and Owens filled with her body and they committed suicide and burned the house with her said body in it. They had made all arrangements for Mickey before her said death. The government closed the case and Mickey vanished from the town she lived in.

Eddie apologized and dropped the subject.

"Why do you live with Wayne?" She retorted.

He explained that mom was in an abusive situation and used heavy drugs and dad was a criminal of all the things. So Wayne took him in.

"I'm always worried I'll turn into them." He choked.

"Not possible." Mickey assured, "you are not evil in the slightest Eddie."

"I try." He ended.

The storm came in waves, it would be chill and start raging, when it would be really bad she would scoot close to Eddie touching his arm or laying back to back. She felt so conflicted. At some point she started dozing off and didn't wake till around 11 the next morning. She woke with Eddies front pressed against her and arm draped around her waist. She could feel his member pressed against her butt. She gulped not wanting to wake him. She looked at her alarm and it still hadn't come on. The electric is still out. She sighed and pulled gently at Eddie's arm to move it. She didn't manage to wake him, she got up and headed to the bathroom. She washed her face with cold water and soap and got cleaned up. She came out and Eddie was still snoozing away. She went to smoke out on the porch.

When she walked outside there was trees knocked down and power lines that were disconnected. As she inhaled the poisons she noticed a big hole in the ground. There were a couple. The Hawkins Fire Department was out checking the lines and making sure there wasn't any power to them and reporting to the electric company. She was about finished when Eddie stepped out in his boxers and a t-shirt.

"Wow." Eddie gasped, "I'm surprised nothing crazier happened it looks rough here."

Mickey nodded in agreement when she saw a black car with tinted windows pull into the park.


A woman and a man crawled out of the car, spoke to the chief and the put up tape around the holes that were made. Mickey flicked her cigarette not wanting to be questioned and headed in. Eddie followed shortly after.

"Guess it's safe to say there is no school." Eddie chuckled.

"I imagine the whole town is shut down." Mickey agreed digging under the sink. "AHA!"

She pulled out an older radio and found some batteries to put in it. She turned it to the local station hoping to hear about the conditions.

She was in luck. "Schools are closed and if you don't have to get out please don't. They have confirmed a tornado from the storm last night."

"We can go to my place. We have a grill at least we can eat." Eddie offered.

Mickey agreed to tag along and they walked to his place. They walked in and Eddie went to the fridge and got our left overs and started the grill to warm the food back up. She happily enjoyed the food as Eddie had forgot to bring her a bite. It would have been neglected anyway cause no electric. Mickey watched out the kitchen window as more tinted windows and black cars pulled in. She felt anxious and went to Eddie's room to find a jacket or flannel. She found a black long sleeve shirt and slipped into it, hiding the 013 on her wrist. There came a knock at the door. She gulped nervously and went to answer it.

It's gonna be my year. Eddie Munson X OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant