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SmutWarning! I am going to do the first week of school and flip to Halloween. I want to capture how hard the first couple days were for Mickey and show her healing and working toward her relationship with Eddie. Hope you enjoy it!

-First Day of School-

I sat in Eddie's van looking at the school. I waited for Billy's camero to pull in but it never came. I sighed knowing they were going to do this big thing here for him. Eddie placed his hand on mine and squeezed it.

"I am right her with you." He assured me.

We got out and headed in. I stood in front of the doors and his picture was hanging in the window. Eddie stood behind me with his hands on my shoulders. The crowds rushed in ignoring his photo. Why did everyone's world continue and mine stop? I walked in the doors and his locker was before mine and it was decorated in "love you' and 'miss you's'. I shook my head disgusted. They didn't know him, a handful of people showed for the funeral. I handed my bag to Eddie and started tearing down the posters and love notes. I ripped them in half and threw the teddy bears and shit down the hall.

"Fuck all you fake motherfuckers!" I shouted tears falling, continuing to destroy the items.

Eddie stood back and chuckled. I picked up a teddy bear and chucked it at him. "Not you."

"I know." he smirked.

The principal came down to her tantrum and asked her to come with him.

"No I don't think I will." I paused, "Do you know how many of these people came to the funeral?" I shouted picking up a card off the ground.

"Michelle--" he was cut off.

"Tabitha Thompson? Are you here?" I announced looking around "Yeah didn't think so just like she wasn't at the funeral."

Eddie couldn't help but laugh at me. The principal glared at him, "No no. He isn't doing anything. I'm the issue, but the issue I have is all these fake ass people."

"Miss Langdon I will suspend you and call-"

"Call my parents!" I bellowed, "Let me know if you reach them. Tell them their murderers are still killing."

I cackled to the point of my belly hurting, while my classmates locked their eyes on my show.

"How about we get a breather?" Eddie whispered grabbing my arm.

I followed his lead still laughing hysterically, I felt powerless to my emotions. I kept laughing as we walked out the doors and then the breakdown came.

"There it is." Eddie sighed pulling me into a hug.

I hadn't cried in a few days as I was getting better, but we knew the first couple weeks would be hard. "Fuck them."

"Oh I do not disagree at all princess. But there is a time and place." he retorted, "Billy would have laughed along with me."

"I know he would have and he would have been disgusted." I laughed wiping my eyes.

I gathered myself and we headed back inside, "Show is over folks!" I announced walking to my mess. His photo sat there, he was forever young.

I leaned over and picked up my destruction and tossed it in the trash. I turned and looked at Billy's photo again. "I have to let you go. I'm only hurting myself at this point." I cried. I wiped my eyes and turned to Eddie.

He smiled lightly at me and I joined him in walking to first period, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and I placed mine around his waist.

-A couple weeks later-

It's gonna be my year. Eddie Munson X OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin