Air Conditioner Not Working!

10 5 10

Clarence Ct

Middletown, Connecticut

Air Conditioner: *plugged in but not working*

GhostCorexx1: Oh my gosh!!!! Why isn't it working?!

Spiceseeker: Maybe, it got tired of running! *laughs* Get it?!

GhostCorexx1: Very funny!!! Now, I have to get another air conditioner! Bullcorn!

Me: Supposed to be 94 degrees tomorrow!

Iris: And very humid!

GhostCorexx1: Jeez!!!

This story was written on Monday, July 11th, 2022.

A/N Oh great!!! First, it was Iris's fridge, and now her air conditioner!!! What's happening here?!! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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