Abraham Is Nasty! 😝😝😝

14 5 20

Shiloh Manor

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

Abraham: Where is my pizza?

Iris: Here! *gives him a large cheese pizza from Illianos*

Abraham: *sneezes on Iris on purpose*

Iris: Abraham!!!!!!! Cover your mouth!!!

Abraham: *eats his pizza, then spits it back out on his plate* You can have it! *chuckles*

Iris: Ew!!! Are you crazy?! No!

Abraham: *laughing heartily* Go on, eat it!

Iris: No!

Abraham: *eats more pizza only to spit them out on to his plate for Iris to eat* Go on, eat! I know you're hungry!

Iris: You're a sick and disgusting man! Good bye! *walks out*

Abraham: You'll be back!

Nurse: Abraham, that's no way to behave! Why are you wasting pizza like that?

Abraham: I told her she eat it.

Nurse: I got a good mind to wash your mouth out with soap! I don't know how your grandchildren can stand you!

Abraham: *farts on purpose*

Nurse: Oh come on! *quickly gets the air freshener to get rid of the smelly odor from Abraham's fart*

Abraham: Smells good, doesn't it? *smiles showing very few teeth*

Nurse: My gosh you're ugly!

This story was written on Saturday, July 16th, 2022.

A/N Abraham is disgusting!!! He is a sick freak! My gosh!! He grossed Iris out! 😝😝😝😝 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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