Spice Is Drunk As A Skunk And Shaves Himself Bald

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Spiceseeker: *drinking himself stupid*

Iris: Wow!

Spiceseeker: *drunk* Doesn't Burger King have the best food? *hiccups and gets his razor* This calls for a song! *singing* Oh Give Me A Home Where The Buffalo Roam And The Deer And The Antelope Play! *shaves his hair off*

Iris: Dude?

Time skip......

Spiceseeker: *looks at himself in the mirror* No!!!!! What the heck happened?!!!!!

Iris: You were drunk, Spice!!!

Spiceseeker: Why didn't you say anything?? Now, I have to wear a toupee!

Iris: I am so sorry! *quietly giggles*

This story was written on Thursday, July 21st, 2022.

A/N The effects of being drunk as a skunk!! 😂😂😂😂😂 This story idea was suggested by my bestie Nk_works! ❤❤❤😘😘😘 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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