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It's a beautiful day in mid October. Zayn is walking through an outlet mall and his mother is next to him. This is something he rarely does with her these days but since she has personally volunteered herself, he is. Besides, this really helps the next time his parents decide to feel like Zayn hasn't been visiting with them much as of late.

"It's perfect that you volunteered to come here with me so we could spend time together today. Especially since I'm going shopping for Harry's anniversary gift and have no idea what to get him."

His mother nods. "Well, yes. You and I rarely get to do this anymore. When you lived closer it was so much easier."

"Yeah, I know. I guess that's the only downside to getting married to Harry and moving in with him. Him living so far away."

She is intrigued by his statement. She hopes that's the only downside.

"So I take it things are good between you two?"

He raises his brow. "Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?"

She shrugs. "No reason. I just have to ask. And as a parent, it is my right to be concerned about you. I'm not trying to be nosy. I promise. I just want to make sure you're safe. That's all."

Zayn completely deflates now. He knows exactly where this is going.

"Is this about that bruise you and daddy saw the other day?"

"Maybe." She admits.

But he sighs. "Mom, I told you it wasn't a big deal. I backed into a picture frame."

That was an obvious lie.

"I know what you said."

"So then why are you questioning me like I'm lying or something?"

Because he is lying.

"I'm not questioning you like you're lying. Like I said, I'm just concerned. That's all. That bruise was nasty."

Zayn flinches. "Well, we are happy and in love. I would tell you if there was something happening that I knew I couldn't handle. So until you see me come to you, I wouldn't worry about me."

"Zayn, whether you come to me or not, I will always worry because you are my child. It's only natural. No matter how old you are, I know for a fact that time and unexpected things do change people. Someone can be the person you know well when you first get married. Then all of a sudden one day you look up and they're not that same exact person anymore. Instead the person they might be morphing into could be a danger to you, someone you care about as well as themselves. It happens all the time."

Patricia is being very serious but Zayn bursts into laughter.

"What's funny? I'm serious."

"Why do I feel like you're projecting?"

"What?" She asks. She's genuinely shocked.

"You're trying to make there be something between me and Harry when really it's between you and daddy."

"How do you figure that?"

He looks as if it should be obvious to her. "Mom, When I drove by to pick you up, I could see the tension between you and him. You didn't kiss him goodbye and he ran out of there fast."

She sighs. "It's not for you to worry about, sweetie. It's just something between me and your father."

"You're not getting a divorce, right?"

"No. Of course not. We simply aren't seeing eye to eye about a particular thing, that's all."

"Does this have something to do with him not being the person you married?"

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