the mall

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Eva's POV:

Last night I fell asleep thinking about Anna. I can't be falling for her already. I rolled over to grab my phone to see what time it was. It was 12:36 pm I must have slept in a little longer than usual. I also saw that that I had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown number

Hey this is Anna

Oh hey Anna what's up

Do you want to hang out later
at themall all my friends
are busy and maybe could show
you around Michigan.

Sure let me ask my mom.

After I texted Anna I went downstairs to see where my mom was and ask her if I could hang out with Anna. I walked downstairs and saw her sitting at the table looking at some papers.

"Hey mom can I hang out with my friend" I asked sitting beside her

" Sure who is this friend of yours" she asked looking at me.

"she our neighbor she lives right across the street. She helped me with some of my boxes yesterday. She is soooo nice and really pret-nevermind" I said realizing I said too much.

"mhm 'friend' huh or maybe a crush" she asked smirking at me.

"Stop I don't like her I'm straight. But definitely not after seeing her" I said. The last part in my head.

"c'mon Eva you don't have to hide it anymore I already knew you were gay. But you can hangout with your friend but I want you back by 6 for dinner and maybe invite your 'friend'over too" she said standing up and going to the kitchen.

"Oh my God mom I don't have a crush on her I'm gonna go get ready" I said walking upstairs.


My mom said I can go.

Cool I'll be over in 30.

And my mom wanted
me to invite you over for dinner
later she wants to meet you.

Ok. See you in a bit bubs.

Bubs? That was a little weird but I thought it was kinda cute.

Anna's POV:

BUBS! BUBS? REALLY ANNA WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU. She probably thinks I'm weird now and she's probably straight. And shes probably going to think I'm a freak if she finds out I have a dick then she wouldn't want to be my friend anymore. All my life I've been bullied for having a dick that's why I'm still a virgin.

Wait I forgot I never fully introduced myself. I'm Anna Shumate. I'm 18 years old and I'm an intersex. Which means I was born a female but instead of having a vagina I have a penis. I have to brothers Tommy the oldest he's in college and then Brandon the youngest. I have a husky named Pluto. My best friends are Katie, Sab, Emma, and Dev. I'm also kinda tiktok famous. I have over 12 million followers sooo yea...

I was now on my way over to Eva's house. I knocked on her door and her mom opened the door.

"So you must be the famous Anna, Eva was talking about" her mom said standing in the door way. I kinda blushed at the fact that she was talking about me.

"She is right you are very pretty" she said as she let me in.

I was talking to her mom for about 5 minutes until I was Eva walk down with black ripped jeans and a white butterfly crop top.

Sorry for ending this at a weird place but I don't want this to be over 800 words

Say You Won't Let Go: An Evanna storyWhere stories live. Discover now