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Anna's POV:

Today was a day of soccer tryouts. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous because I am. I know I'm a pretty good soccer player, but I hope I get this captain position.

Right now, I'm in the car with Eva. After that night at the lake, we've been pretty close. I mean, yeah, we've kissed, but nothing more than that. We're on the way to pick up the girls for school.

We just pulled up at Katie's house. This bitch is always taking forever.

"Hey, bitchesss!" Katie yells, getting in the car.

"Shut the fuck up, Katie; it's 7 in the fucking morning, for crying out loud!" I retort, earning a slap on the head from Katie.

Ugh. I can already tell it is going to be a long day.


"And remember your projects must be turned in by Friday. You and your partner both must turn in something, or else both parties will not receive full credit." my chemistry teacher says as the bell rings, indicating that school is over. Luckily I have Sab in this class, so we partnered up for the project.

I'm heading to the locker rooms by the soccer field to get changed for tryouts. When I got there, I saw Rachel. She is in the same year as me, but since 3rd grade, during a soccer match, there were 2 minutes left on the clock, and we were down by 1. The other team has the ball, as one of the opposing players is dribbling the ball down, coming straight for Rachel and me. We both try and steal the ball from the other player. When I reached my foot out to try and get the ball, Rachel tripped; ever since then, she has hated me.

Eva and the girls said they would come and watch me, but Eva and Emma would have to leave halfway through for cheer tryouts, so after I'm done, I will watch the rest of her tryouts.

"BE OUT ON THE FIELD IN 10 MINUTES FOR STRETCHES AND WARM-UPS!" the coach yelled outside the door.


Eva's POV:

I was in the stands with the girls, and Cooper and Zack watched Anna. It was starting to get cold out, so I put on the hoodie I stole from Anna a while back. She doesn't know I have it. I'd be lying if I said she didn't look hot in her uniform.

I think I was staring for too long because she looked up at me and winked, then returned her focus to the game. But not before lifting her shirt so you could see her abs and wipe the sweat dripping down her forehead. I could feel my face heating up.

"You like the show? huh, Eva." I heard Sab say behind me.

fuck yeah!

"I-uh I have to go, come on Emma!" I really didn't have to go I was just really embarrassed and I swear she had a slight bulge. Don't ask me why I was looking down there.

" and Anna?" Emma asked smirking at me.

"ugh. She took me to this lake she found a while back and told me her secret...and the we kissed," I said mumbling the last part to myself but I think she heard my by the look on her face.

"Aw that's cute. Personally I think y'all would be really cute," she said walking in the locker room.

Me too girl, me too.

Say You Won't Let Go: An Evanna storyWhere stories live. Discover now