the spot

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Eva's POV:




nothing much

are you doing anything tonight?

no probably just going to
watch anime

I'm picking you up at 8 in
be ready and dress comfortably
and warm and maybe another
set of clothes

okay, where are we going

its a surprise

Welp, I guess I know what I'm doing tonight. Next week my sister is supposed to be coming back from New York. Maybe she can help me out with my girl's problems.

Anna said she would pick me up at eight. She didn't say where we were going. She just told me to dress comfortably and warm and bring an extra pair of clothes.

It's currently 6:47 pm, so I decided to take a shower and get ready the wait until Anna gets here.

Anna's POV:

"Are you hungry? We can stop at Don's quick." I asked Eva as she got in the car.

Tonight I'm planning on telling Eva my secret and that I like her. I hope she doesn't see me differently than everyone else when I tell them, 'hey, I have a penis.' But Eva seems like a good person.

Whenever I need to relax or need an escape from reality, I go to this lake that I found a while back in my sophomore year. I planned on taking Eva to one of my favorite places to relax. It's a little out of the way, so I suggested getting some food before the 45-ish minute drive. I've never brought or told anyone about this place, so that Eva will be the first.

"Sure, just get what I usually order," she said, leaning against the door.


"And... we're here..." I trailed off, putting the car in park.

"Just follow me, and you'll find out." She looked at me confused as I grabbed her and started running through the wooded area until we reached the lake.

It looks so peaceful at night as the moonlight reflects off the water. I usually come here to stargaze.

I put all my stuff down on an old wooden bench and start taking my shirt and sweatpants off, leaving me in a pair of shorts and my bra. I go over to a giant tree with a rope tied around it and swing from it, landing in the lake with a big splash. I looked over at Eva to see her staring at the ground.

"Whatcha doing just standing there? Come on," I said.

I turned around as she changed out of her sweats, leaving her in her matching purple and white bra and underwear. She has a fantastic body. My mouth was probably on the floor.

"You see something you like?" She asked teasingly.

Good thing I'm in the water, or else she would've seen my slight boner. Eva jumps in, splashing me with water from the impact.

I noticed her starting to shiver from the water being a little cold. I went over to her and wrapped my arms around her.

"Is that better?" I asked, staring into her chocolate brown eyes as she stared into my blue ones.

"You have beautiful eyes," I said as I could see her starting to blush in the moonlight.

We just stood there. Eva wrapped in my arms. Everything felt perfect, like her body was like the right puzzle piece. We west talking about random things underneath the moonlight.

"Hey Eva, can I tell you something? But can you promise not to see me differently when I tell you?" I asked, growing nervous.

"Of course, boon." She said, making my heart flutter at the nickname.

"I have a penis. Now before you say anything, I know it's not normal. I know. Right yeah, a girl with a penis. Who would've thought? When I was born, everyone thought I was a b-" I kept rambling on and on until I was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. It took me a second to react be I eventually kissed back.

A few seconds later, she pulled away. Both of her hands caressed my cheeks as she stared into my eyes.

"I think you're perfect just the way you are, and don't let anyone tell you differently, okay?"

Say You Won't Let Go: An Evanna storyWhere stories live. Discover now