New Semester

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3rd POV

It's a new school semester. While most students are spending it in the cafeteria, Y/N is spending it in Vale. Going to the rooftops we see him in his Amica possessed form. He leaps on top of a water tower where he looks over the various streets.

Amica: "So what're we doing?"

Y/N: "We're looking for any evil doers."

Amica: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because it's the right thing to do. If I have this power then might as well do some good with it."

Amica: "This' bogus. We should be allowed to do whatever we want."

Y/N: "There're rules in this world. We should follow them."

Amica: "Rules are for humans. I'm not a human."

An alarm blares making him leap towards the action. When he arrives he sees three men making off with bags overflowing with Lien.

Amica: "Halt!"

Man: "Monster!!"

Man2: "Eat lead!"

He unloads his gun at Amica. The bullets are soaked up doing no damage at all. 

Amica: "My turn."

Thwiping his arm a black gooey tendril smack the first robber into the side a building. Another robber reloads firing. Amica leaps landing on the man and driving him into the ground. The final robber tries to run away. Amica however aims his arm launching several miniature Nevermore feathers. They pin the robber to a wall as Amica walks to him.

Robber3: "No, stay back! Please!"

Amica: "You shot at me."

He grabs the robber's neck.

Robber: "Please, have mercy!!!"

Amica opens his mouth drawing closer. 

Y/N: "Stop!"

He ceases all movement. He growls letting go of the robber.

Amica: "Count yourself lucky."

He leaps away landing on a rooftop. He then recedes into Y/N's body.


I look down at a puddle seeing Amica.

Amica: "Why did you stop me?"

 Y/N: "You were gonna eat that man."

Amica: "Exactly. Until you stopped me."

Y/N: "We don't eat people."

Amica: "But why? I'm a Grimm. Grimm eat people."

Y/N: "You're more than a Grimm."

Amica: "What am I?"

Y/N: "You're my partner. One I entrust my very life with."

He sighs.

Amica: "What if you're wrong? What if I'm nothing but what my creator made me to be?"

Y/N: "You'll never be what you were created to be. I promise."

Amica: "Thanks Y/N. You're a... good friend."

Y/N: "Hey whaddaya say we head to Beacon and eat ourselves into a coma?"

Amica: "Bring it!!!!"

Wings sprout from my back. With a single flap I rocket into the air leaving behind a sonic boom. Not even ten seconds later we land in Beacon's courtyard.

Y/N: "That was fast."

Amica: "Come Y/N, our food awaits!"

My body is speed walked towards the cafeteria. But upon entering we see an interesting sight. Food litters the ground as JNPR is stuck to the wall covered in food. 

Y/N: "What on earth happened here?"

Amica: "The food!!!!"

Goodwitch marches in. With a wave of her riding crop the room gets back into order.

Goodwitch: "Children please."

She fixes her glasses.

Goodwitch: "No playing with your food."

Amica: "Such wasteful behavior."

After stuffing my face I join teams RWBY and JNPR in the library. I watch as RWBY engage in a heated boardgame.

Yang: "I use giant Nevermore. If I roll seven or higher then your troops will be ripped to shreds."

Ruby: "But roll six or lower than the Nevermore will attack your own troops."

Yang: "I'm feeling lucky."

She rolls the dice laughing.

Ruby: "Nooooo, my fearless warriors!"

Yang: "Eh they were mostly tin toys."

Ruby: "You shall be avenged."

Yang: "Not until I have collected my rewards. Which have doubled due to trading routes."

Ruby: "Have you no heart?"

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