Story of my life.

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(Eleanor POV)

I don't even know where to start.

1. I'm on a plane to England.
2. I've just lost the family that I've only ever known, my parents.
3. I'm on way to a boarding school that I don't even know anything about.

So, yeah I've got alot going on right now.

But first, let me introduce myself, my name is Eleanor Diaz I am 17 years old. I was raised in California with my mum Lisa and dad Eric. They were honestly the best parents a girl could have.

Dad taught me how to surf. I love been in competitions and surfing with my best friend Laura Pierce, sadly I had to say goodbye to her 6 hours ago at the airport. She's been my rock the last few days.

My mum taught me how to play poker, the thrill you get is amazing when you get close to winning. I've beat everyone I've ever played against but her.

Three days ago my parents and I was enjoying a day out on the beach and seeing whom the best surfer is between Dad and I. It was the most fun I've ever had.

That was until the weather changed drastically, the wind hit from nowhere. My mum wasn't the strongest surfer out there, she lost her balance and fell into the water. Dad got me out of the water and went back for her. He was struggling against the current to find her.

The coast guards got into their boat to get to them both. 30 minutes later they still haven't been found. The water is getting too dangerous to even perform a search and rescue.

I was sat with some volunteers for the Coast Guard with a blanket wrapped around me, hoping and praying they've managed to somehow come out of the water further down shore.

Sadly that wasn't the case. Their bodies were never recovered.

Mums surf board was found 4 miles down the coast line, damaged. They didn't allow me to see it but you could only imagine what she was going through. Without their bodies we couldn't have a funeral but Laura, bless her heart, organised a goodbye to them for us to do. All we spoke about was everything good and happy that happened over the years.

I miss them. So. Much.

Now back to the present, I'm 7 hours into my 10 hour flight to London. It's going so slow. I don't know if I wish it go faster. You see I'm on way to a boarding school.

When I went through my parents things I found a letter addressed to me, it said in it that if something ever happened to them I would go to Kingsley School in Devon. I've never heard of the place before.


I've just collected my suitcases and on the way to find the driver that's driving me from London to Devon. I have no idea who it is, I keep on walking through the airport until I spot a woman holding some cardboard with my name on.

I slowly approach her, I have no idea where my life is taking me right now, how I'd love to just stop and just breathe!

"Hi Miss. Are you Miss Diaz by any chance?" Said the woman.

"Yes that is I. Can I ask your name please?" I responded with.

Her face lit up with a smile, it made her look years younger. "My name is Vera. I'm your driver today. Have you got everything you need? The car is parked out in front. We have about three hour drive ahead of us. Here let me help you with this". She came towards one of my suitcases, grabbed it and told me to follow her. She's really kind.

As we walked towards the car I noticed it was a fancy car with tinted windows. It makes me wonder more where I'm going. Like who could afford this car!

I thanked her as we put the bags away. She returned a smile and opened the door for me. Off I go to the next stage of my life.

There's always something.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon