See you soon.

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(Eleanor P.O.V)

I've been in lessons the last 4 hours. I'm so done with quadratic equations in maths and chemical reactions in science. As much as I enjoy my lessons I am sooo hungry! Ten more minutes then the greatest sound ever to meet my ears. The sound of the school bell stating it's dinner time!

While the teacher explained the next project all I could hear is the sound of the second hand ticking away not going fast enough. I felt a nudge on my arm I followed the arm that nudged me to find a boy named Trent passing me a worksheet. I thanked him and passed the pile behind me up the row, keeping one for myself.

The worksheet was simple enough and as I filled in the last question the shriek of the bell signalling dinner time finally came around. I packed my stuff, up making sure to put the worksheet on the teachers desk as I passed, then met with Grayson outside the science classroom.

"Hey Grayson. How's your morning been?"

"Hi Ellie. Can I call you that? It's been boring, better now I can talk to you. I still feel bad about I first spoke to you on the roof. I was thinking maybe I can make up for it by asking to meet me on the roof after curfew?" He asked with a easy going smile. He's very handsome.

"Yeah please that would be lovely, thank you. I can't wait. You can call me Ellie if I can call you Gray?"

"Gray? No one's ever called me that. Deal!"

We shared a laugh and I hooked my arm around his then carried on with our journey to the cafeteria. I saw Alec already sitting at the table waving at us. We waved back whilst we waited in line for our food.

I made sure Grays plate was full, making sure he had plenty of vegetables. I got response from him with an eye roll but you couldn't miss the smile that graced his features. With a slight nudge we went to sit down with Alec. He's such a sweetheart asking if I'm okay and if I needed any help to ask him.

As we were in the middle of a conversation the headmaster Mr Lennox arrived with a man at the side of him. He kept looking at me while the headmaster spoke to me, it made me uncomfortable so I inclined my body slightly into Alec. He must've noticed my movement as he cleared his throat gaining Mr Lennox attention.

He was introduced to me as Felix. Nice man. It really did suit him.

He seemed very happy that I addressed him directly and strangely asked if he could join us. Not to disappoint the headmaster I said yeah while my eyes roamed his face. His green in his eyes were almost identical to mine except from the blue in them. I've never met anyone with eyes similar to mine, not even my parents. Theirs were a really bright blue.

We broke eye contact when he went for his food. He sat at the side of me when he returned as he put a plate of fries in the middle of us. I didn't see fries when I went to get my food. They looked delicious. I was debating with myself if to pinch one.

When I saw he was happily eating I decided to take one, when he didn't notice, also I enjoyed them a lot. I never realised I had eaten most of them. I thought he'd tell me off for stealing them when he looked but he just smiled at me then sent me a wink while eating one. I could feel my cheeks burning so I looked down with a shy smile.

Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. Noah and Ethan soon joined us, they have been busy with football practice. I hope to see them play one day. I heard they are unstoppable together. I never really spoke to them before today. The conversation soon was rolling with all six of us. It was very peaceful. I think I'm going to keep with the four.

I needed some time with Noah and Ethan. But that's got to wait as I'm spending time with Gray later. I sent him a smile which he returned. He probably was thinking the same thing.

The bell interrupted us so as we stood to empty of trays I said goodbye. Sadly I didn't have classes with any of them this afternoon. I said goodbye to Felix too. He said he'd see me later that he was sticking around for a couple of days helping the headmaster.

I hope I do see him again soon. He intrigues me.

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