Wait and see.

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(Francis P.O.V)

A couple of days have passed since I saw Eleanor. I ended up leaving my brother, Mikes office and coming back to Italy. I still haven't told my wife Emily that we've potentially found Eleanor. I haven't even told my sons either.

It may be a mean thing to do but I have no proof it's her and I don't want to disappoint them incase it's not her, my little Ellie.

My eldest son, Felix makes his way to me. "Is everything okay dad? You haven't been yourself when you disappeared two days ago? Where did you go anyways?" I expected his questions, I never go anywhere without telling them. But should I be completely honest with him?

For once I decide to come clean and be upfront without proof.

"Son, please don't get angry. I'm only going to tell you before I can verify what I'm about to tell you" I lead him to my makeshift office while we're here. I lock the door behind us.

He looks confused so I show him the folder I've gathered about Eleanor Diaz. He takes it off me and slowly opens it. Pure astonishment is on his face, he looks up at me all I can do is nod.

"She's at your Uncle Michael's school. She's a pupil there. I haven't done a DNA test. Ive only seen her once, she came into his office while I was there. My god she's the spitting image of Eli" I rambled on. Felix is quiet. I look over at him, every emotion goes across his face.

"Dad? This is why you was gone? Is it, is it really her? What happens now? Can I meet her? Is she okay? Is she healthy? Has she got a good life?"

All these questions got thrown at me, I tried my best to answer fully every single one and I cry when I tell him she's been looked after by the Diaz's perfectly. I explained to him how she ended up at the boarding school. It was hard to do but needed doing.

"She lost her family? Whether she's my sister or not that's awful. Can I please visit the school? Please dad. I need this. We all need this. I remember been a kid with this bouncy bubbly cheery little girl shout for me and follow me everywhere I went! Does she know she's adopted?"

All I could reply with was "No, she doesn't."

He gave me an astonished look. I sighed and gave him a nod of my head.

"Go meet her. Don't tell her any of this. But meet her. She's amazing" I told him with a smile on my face.

He looked taken back by my approval, they raced out of my office with a elated look on his face. I guess he's gone to pack. What do I tell the others where he has gone? Should I keep it from them still now I've told Felix.

Thirty minutes later Felix came and found me. I gave him his passport and boarding ticket. He gave me a one armed hug while his other arm had his bag. "See you soon Dad. Thank you for open with me and sharing this. I'll let you know how it goes".

He leaves the house and Only quietness remains. I hope I did the right thing telling him. All we can do is wait.

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