A bit of kindness goes a long way

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(Eleanor P.O.V)

The next morning I woke up with a stiff neck. I slowly climbed out of bed stretching every joint as I walk to the bathroom. I do my morning routine and get into my school uniform.

Starting to head for the door I quickly grab my phone off the night stand. I approach the stairs at the end of the hallway hearing a couple of voices.

I didn't get very far before I'm pulled into someone's hard chest. "There you are! I've been waiting for you, let's go have breakfast". One guess who this can be, yup it's Alec! He's way too cheery for 7 in the morning.

As we turn to go downstairs I catch Graysons eyes. He's watching me, I'm guessing looking for any reminders of last night. I mouth a thank you to him with a smile, he responds back with a small smile of his own and a nod of his head.

He'll never know how much I appreciated what he did last night. How he managed to calm me down like he did, how he felt like home! I'll have to show him my thanks.

We head towards the cafeteria towards the queue ready for some breakfast. Grayson goes and sits down at a table alone. I peek a look at Alec on whether I should ask him about Grayson.

Having the courage I turn towards Alec.



"Why isn't Grayson getting breakfast, isn't he hungry?"

Alec looks over to the man in question, with a sigh escaping his mouth he turns back to me and gives me a sad smile. Answering my question without words.

When it was my turn to be served I decided to get Grayson some food, I couldn't ignore the fact he isn't eating. So loading my tray with extra pancakes, chopped up fruit and apple juice I make my way towards him. I sit across from him with a smile i them start arranging his breakfast infront of him. He gave me a curious look.

"I couldn't sit here and eat while you weren't. Besides, thank you for last night. I appreciate what you did, it means more than you think" I told him with a sad smile.

"You're welcome anytime and thank you for breakfast. How did you know I loved Nutella on my pancakes!" His expression turned to teasing and I couldn't be more thankful for the uplift of the mood. I gave him a bright smile and dug into my food.

Half way through our meals two more males joined us. They gave me sketchy looks. Alec's face lit up when he saw them. Excitedly he introduced us.

"Guys, this is my new best friend Eleanor!! I've been wanting you to meet her for agesss now! Eleanor this is the rest of us, on my right is Noah and this here is Ethan! They've been very busy with football as the tournament starts again soon."

We say hello to each other while they go get breakfast. I turn towards Grayson already seeing how he was looking at me. "Thank you again for breakfast" "It's okay" I smiled to him. I'm glad I've made friends. First time for awhile I feel a little less alone. Maybe i can let them both in.

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