What next?

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(Eleanor POV)

We just pulled up outside of Kingsley School. All I can say is wow. The place is huge! Even my old school was no way near this size! Vera got out of the car and opened my door for me.

"Come on dear, let's get you settled in" she held out her hand to me and gave mine a small squeeze when I accepted it. I don't think she understands how much that meant to me. My mum did it every time I was overwhelmed or just needed her.

I could hear voices as the doors opened and out stepped a man and a woman. They approached me, the woman said she was the headmistress and her name was Mrs Lennox, the man was her husband Mr Lennox he owned the entire property.

"I hope you enjoy your stay with us Miss Diaz. If you follow me I'll pass you your timetable and your room key" Mr Lennox held his hand out for me to go through the door. I followed him til we got to his office.

I'm in room number 505. He told me that's on the 5th floor.

"If you need anything come and find me or my wife with anything. We have two sons that attend here too. We'll introduce you to them later. They are out surfing at the moment" he informed me.

I walked up the stairs. After the first flight I saw a boy stood there on the phone. He saw me and looked surprised. He quickly stopped the call smiling at me.

"Hi there. What you doing here? Oh I'm sorry that was rather rude of me, my name is Alec. Are you going to be a student here?" He questioned rather excitedly and started to blush.

"Hi yeah. I'm a new student. My name is Eleanor. It's nice to meet you" I returned with a smile.

"Oh where are my manners. Would you like help with your bags? I can show you to your room too! I'm going to mine on fifth floor. I can help you!" He said apologetically.

"Yes please, I could really use your help" a thankful smile on my face.

He was very handsome. His hair looks so soft and I really want to run my fingers through it. He's seems a very happy but slightly shy person. I followed him up the stairs. Good job I'm used to working out this is much as I work out in the gym! We reached the fifth floor and see it's got 5 doors on this level.

He walked me to 505 at the end of the hall. I wonder who lives in the other rooms.

"Well here is your room. Im in room 503 next to yours" He pointed to the door on the right. I wonder if anyone in the 3 other rooms.

"Im off now I have some things to do. I'll leave you to settle in. I'll come get you for your dinner. I'll take you to the dinner hall at 1pm. Everyone is going to be so surprised! I can't wait, they going to be so jealous!" He waved bye and walked into his room.

What is happening here? Why was he so surprised? Why was everyone going to be jealous? What is happening?.

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