The Beginning

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"Most people dream at night and some, during the day, but there's only three people who can dream during the day and when something happens in their dreams it can affect them in reality, the three can go into each others dreams and affect them, in a good or bad way. Those three people are called Day Dreamers."

After I got dressed, I grabbed my faded red backpack overflowing with books and homework, heading out the door and jumping onto my bike. As I turned down the street my best friend met up with me on his skateboard,

"Hey Juliet! How was your weekend?"

"It was okay, I mostly played video games."

"That's cool. I just went snowboarding. What level are you at now?"

"I'm level 35." I smirked.

"What? Not fair! I'm only level 27!" Jake


"Guess you gotta practice more." I replied.

Jake and I soon arrived at school grounds. I jumped off my bike, leaning it against the school wall, while Jake just tucked his skateboard under his arm and headed off to class. The first class Jake and I had was science. We made our way over to the noisy classroom that starts my morning off with a pounding headache and added stress to my life. We stepped inside and found our seats in about the middle of the room not bothering to talk with any of the other students chatting away and texting on their phones. The teacher walked in and began the lesson managing to ignore the rowdy teenagers behind him.

The morning classes went by as normal, getting homework, learning useless crap that no one seems to understand so they ask a billion useless questions. Then onto my favorite class. Lunch. I walked in the cafeteria and saw Jake sitting at a table with two trays of food and a girl next to him twirling her hair obviously trying to flirt with him. I just rolled my eyes and walked over to him. It took him a minute to realize I was standing next to the table.

"Oh Julesy! I saved a seat for you. See ya later Bella." Jake said waving to the girl as she left.

"Hey Julesy, how were your classes?" Jake asked as I took the seat the girl was previously sitting in and took the extra tray of food,

"They were fine. Easy as always. How were yours?"

"Great! We had a quiz, it was a little hard but I passed. Oh! I also got Bella's number." He smiled as he showed me the digits. I just rolled my eyes and went back to eating. I started smiling, thinking about the first time I met Jake. He wanted to be my friend in 6th grade since I never talked much to others. He always had a stupid grin on his face that bugged me. I remember one of the first things he said to me,

"Juliet!" I flinched as I heard my name shouted in my ear.

"I promise you that I will get you to smile and laugh by the end of this year and if I do you have to be my friend!" He said with the biggest grin on his face.

"Yeah good luck with that..." I muttered back. Ever since he made that promise he followed me around trying to get me to laugh and smile but failing at every attempt. One time I was walking back home with Jake, and as he was walking backwards in front of me trying to talk with me he tripped over a trash can. He looked so goofy with trash all over his head I let out a little giggle and then it turned into full laughter.

"I got you to laugh! Yay!" Jake shouted smiling brightly while throwing his hands up in the air.

"Hahaha y-you just l-look so f-funny!" I replied trying to calm my laughter but couldn't stop every time I looked at him. And from then on Jake and I have been best friends. I didn't even notice that the bell rang to signal that lunch was over, Jake called my name pulling me out of my thoughts,

"What? Did you say something?"

"Yeah, I said let's go to class but you didn't move, you looked pretty zoned out. You okay?" Jake asked with concern in his voice.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking."

"Well, okay, let's get to our classes."

Day DreamerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora