Meeting Him

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I walked to my next class, which was history. When I walked in I headed over to my normal seat and dropped my stuff next to me. Other teens filled the room and as the teacher walked in a guy walked in behind her.

"Class, I'd like you all to meet our new transfer student."

"Hey guys, my name's Lucas." The guy named Lucas said sheeply scratching the back of his head.

"Lucas you can that back seat near the middle next to Juliet." The teacher said pointing to me. The boy comes over and dropped his backpack like I did.

"Hey my name's Lucas, You must be Juliet." Lucas said looking over at me.

"Yeah I am." I replied not looking over at him.

"It's nice to meet you Juliet!" He said giving me a big smile.

"Yeah." I grumbled lowly. I wasn't in the mood for chatting, every time a new student comes everyone gets so excited to meet them it gets so tiring. The rest of the class went on quickly and quietly other than Lucas glancing at me occasionally.

"I'll see you later Juliet. It was nice to meet you." Lucas gave me a charming smile and left.

"He's so chipper..." I whispered more to myself than anyone in particular. He's friendlier than Jake and that's saying something. I left the classroom to go home, as I get outside Jake comes up to me.

"Hey! How was history?" Jake asked excitedly.

"Boring and annoying." I replied flatly. I continued walking with Jake in tow.

"Why was it annoying?" He questioned. I sighed running my hand through my hair.

"I'm just tired, It was a long day." Jake nodded not saying anything else. We made our way to my house, Jake chatting about random stuff along the way.

"Ms Adams. We're here!" Jake shouted as we walked into the house.

"Oh please Jake,I told you just call me Samantha! You kids hungry? I made sandwiches, they're on the counter."

"Thanks mom." I replied and walked into the kitchen. Jake and I grabbed sandwiches then headed up stairs to my room. We watched TV till we got bored then decided to play video games,

"Gotta get better." I said smugly after beating him again,

"How!? Have you been practicing?"

"No, I'm just not bad at video games." I replied shrugging.

"Yeah, but you're a girl you shouldn't be good at video games." Jake whined.

"Really Jake? You play that card?"

"Kids, it's time for bed." My mom shouted from downstairs.

"K mom" I shouted back, I turned off my T.V. and pushed Jake off my bed,

"Ow that hurt."

"Man up." I said as I got up to get my p.j.'s out of my dresser and head to the bathroom. When I came out of the bathroom Jake was asleep on my couch. I headed over and jumped into bed. With the lights off and the room being quiet, I drifted off to sleep.

"Huh? Where am I?" I questioned, I didn't know where I was, I couldn't see anything, but I seemed to be standing in a clearing maybe?...I think, it was too dark to tell.

"Is anybody there?" I shouted hoping that someone would hear me.

"So it did work. Interesting. I thought as much." Said a voice coming from all directions.

"W-who's there?" I shouted trying to sound brave but it wasn't very convincing.

"I'm hurt, you don't remember me." The person said. I saw the person's silhouette but couldn't see anything else, but by the height and voice of the person, it was a boy about my age,

"Who are you?!" I shouted with confusion in my voice,

"Someone you never talked to in school even if I'm standing right there in your sight, you're always paying attention to that loser Jake!" he said with hate and sadness? In his voice. I didn't notice, but as he talked he was slowly walking toward me. With every step he took forward I took one backward, but the next thing I knew he was right in front of me and there was a barrier behind me. He then lifted his hand up and I closed my eyes afraid he might hurt me, but the blow never came. Instead he moved a strand of my black hair behind my ear, I still didn't open my eyes afraid of what might happen. I heard him pull something out of his pocket and then I felt terrible pain on my forehead as he spelt something out,

"There, now this shows you are mine." He said as he stepped back to admire his work. I could just barely see his mouth and the smirk written on his face. Then he handed me a mirror and I looked into it. On my forehead just above my eyebrow were the words 'My Dearest'. I was frozen in horror. Just as he was about to take another step forward I jerked up in a cold sweat. With my heart racing, I looked around. I was in my room.

"Oh it was just a dream." When I tried to sit up my head started to pound and I felt sick, so I got up to go to the bathroom after I felt less dizzy, Jake was still fast asleep. When I got into the bathroom I went to wash my face with a washcloth. As I was drying my face I looked into the mirror and what I saw horrified me. I dropped the washcloth and fell on the ground. On my forehead were the words 'My Dearest'. What in the world is happening!? Was it really just a dream or maybe a nightmare. Was it real? I heard Jake walking to the bathroom,

"What's with all the commotion?" Jake asked tiredly, I didn't say anything I just stood there with my head down so he couldn't see my face,

"Hey, Julesy, you alright? What's wrong?"Jake asked with worry on his face and in his voice he started shaking my shoulders in a 'talk-to-me' way. I just slowly lifted my head so he could see my face and then I started to cry and I hugged him. I haven't cried in years. It felt good to tell you the truth.

"Juliet, tell me what happened." Jake said calmly as he was stroking my hair softly to calm me down. After a few minutes my crying became light sniffles and I released Jake from our hug, Jake wiped the tears from my cheeks. Jake didn't say anything yet waiting for me to talk but when I didn't say anything he just sighed and grabbed a washcloth getting it wet in the sink then pulled my bangs up to set the cloth to my forehead but he stopped in his tracks when he saw the words on my forehead, his eyes went wide.

"What the....Who did this to you!?" Jake asked and his eyes became dilated with anger.

"I-I d-don't know." I replied bringing my arms closer to me.

"Don't worry everything will be okay." Jake said putting his hand on mine to make me feel safe but I knew Jake was freaked out too by the way his hand was shaking.

"We'll figure this out together." Jake smiled warmingly.

"Let's go down for breakfast that will help clear your mind." Jake said as he got off my bed and headed out the door,

"You coming?" Jake questioned as he poked his head back into the door. I just nodded my head and got up from my bed and walked down the stairs to the kitchen, I decided not to tell my mom or Jake about the dream, it's something they didn't need to know about.

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