He's Back

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"Where am I?" I couldn't see there was too much fog, I couldn't even see my own hand, then the fog cleared and there was a silhouette that came out of the fog,

"Welcome back My Dear." I could see a smirk on the person's face,

"You!" I shouted, the familiar cloaked boy said,

"Yes it's me, you glad to see me again?" I backed away slowly and once again that familiar invisible wall appeared.

"." I remained silent, he slowly approached me.

"I missed you, I hope you missed me too." He said as he stood in front of me, he reached for my hand but I pulled it back.

"Yeah right like I would ever want to see you again." I said bitterly. He just chuckled and brought his hand up to my forehead pulling my bangs back.

"Beautiful." he said to no one in particle, while staring at the words he marked there. I slapped his away letting my bangs fall back into place.

"Oh right I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Midnight." he said bowing,

"I'm guessing that's a fake name." I said raising my eyebrow, Midnight chuckled.

"Of course as smart as always." He replied stroking my cheek. I slapped his hand away again. I don't want him anywhere near me.

"Anyway, down to business, Lucas is getting in the way of 'us'." I shivered as he said 'us',

"Wait, how do you know Lucas?" I questioned.

"All in due time my dear." Midnight said with a evil smile, I felt a chill go down my spine.

"First Jake, now Lucas, so many things to deal with." Midnight said putting his hand to his chin thinking of something.

"Did you do something to Jake!?" I shouted not wanting to believe Jake was hurt because of me, He chuckled and turned around so I couldn't see him smiling even though I knew he was.

"Bye for now 'My Dearest'."

"Wait!" He faded away. I woke up scared and sweating,

"What did he do to Jake?" I said in a whisper. I looked over at my clock on my nightstand, it was 4:30 am, I tried to go back to sleep but it didn't work so I got out of bed and went down stairs I took out some pancake mix and started to make breakfast for me and mom, I knew mom would be up soon. By the time I was done it was 5:30, mom should be up at 6:00. I ate and put my mom's food on the counter with a note saying I went out. I changed out of my p.j.'s and grabbed a hoodie. I locked the door after I headed out. I started walking down the street, I didn't want to bike I just wanted to clear my head. I didn't really know where I was going I'll let my mind take me where I wanted to go. I ended up at Lucas's house, when he was over at my house he told me where he lived if I ever wanted to stop by. I sighed and knocked on the front door, about 20 seconds later he opened the door, he rubbed his eyes trying to wipe the tired out of his eyes, oops looks like I woke him up.

"Oh, Jules *yawn* what are you doing here, and this early too?"

"I um wanted to talk." I said quietly. He looked at me surprised but he moved to the side anyway and motioned for me to come inside, he walked me over to the living room and offered me some coffee I whispered a small thank you. He sat on the couch in front of me.

"So, what are you doing up at 6:40, walking around by yourself?" Lucas looked at me seriously, a serious you would never think to see on his face, was it really that bad that I was out by myself?

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