The Mall

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"Hi honey, how'd you sleep?" My mom asked.

"What?!" I said a little dazed,

"Whoa don't look so spooked." My mom said shocked at my scared reaction.

"I'm not spooked I just didn't get much sleep last night, stayed awake stressing about finals this week. Don't worry I'll be fine." I gave a fake smile. Jake took a quick glance at me and I saw pity in his eyes, I don't need his pity, I knew it was bad when I cried in front of him.

"Okay well I made your favorite breakfast, pancakes with chocolate chips and extra syrup." Mom said happily.

"Thanks mom." I replied.

Jake and I decided to go to the mall considering we didn't have any classes today.

"I'm going to go get dressed." I said walking up the stairs.

"I will too." Jake said walking up the stairs with me, he comes over a lot so he already has clothes here, he almost lives here he's over so often. We went up stairs, Jake got his clothes and went to the bathroom in the hallway. I walked over to my room and pulled out a red v neck and some black skinny jeans out of my dresser, it was cloudy outside so I grabbed my maroon hoodie and walked downstairs,

"You ready to go Jake?" I asked Jake as he walked into the living room, Jake was wearing a plain white shirt and black jeans,

"You bet." Jake replied.

"Bye mom." I shouted.

"Bye be safe, love you." Mom shouted back. I grabbed my bike while Jake hopped onto his skateboard and we made our way toward the mall. We arrived at the mall, putting our rides away, then walked in through the fancy arch and into the mall.

"So, where do you want to go?" I asked Jake,

"I don't care as long as it's cheap." I just rolled my eyes,

"Why don't we go to GameGoo?" I suggested.

"Sure they have some pretty sweet games." (Time skip to GameGoo)

"No way, Juliet they got the second one!" Jake exclaimed and ran over to a video game rack.

"What really? That's awesome." I said walking over to Jake. While looking at Mi games I felt like I was being watched, It made me feel really uncomfortable. I walked over to Jake,

"Hey, are you ready to go to a different store now?" I asked Jake feeling very nervous.

"Hold on, let me just pay for this game." Jake skipped over to the cashier and I lazily walked behind him looking at my shoes,

"Hello, do you have a GameGoo card?" As I heard that some what familiar voice I lifted my head to see that dirty blond hair and those emerald eyes, Lucas.

"Oh, Hii Juliet funny seeing you here." Lucas said flashing me a cheesy smile.

"Hey Lucas." I replied simply.

"It's great to see you again Jules." Lucas said. I just gave a lame smile.

"Um...hey sorry to interrupt, but can you ring me up?" Jake asked tired of waiting,

"Oh I'm sorry I've only been for a few days, okay so that will be 20$." Jake nodded handing him a 50,

"Alright here's your change." Lucas handed Jake the cash,

"Well, see you at school tomorrow!" Lucas said as he waved at me and gave a flashy grin.

"Yup see ya." I as well gave a small wave and walked out of the store.

"Did you know that guy?" Jake asked.

"He was that new kid in my history class."

"He seemed a little too friendly to me." Jake pouted and crossed his arms.

"It's not like we're friends or anything he was just being nice." I tried to reason with Jake but of course it's Jake so he still complained,

"Well I don't like him, he seems like one of those players."

"Oooo is somebody jealous?" I joked with Jake.

"No! It's just you're my best friend and I don't want you getting hurt."

"Jake I don't need you to protect me." I told Jake but him Jake sighed,

"Well, I'm ready to go back home." I nodded my head in agreement and we started our walk back to the entrance when we ran into someone.

"Hey Juliet." Lucas waved.

"Oh great him again." Jake muttered under his breath, he said something else but I didn't catch it. Lucas walked up to us with a coffee in his hand,

"Hey? Shouldn't you be at work?" I questioned.

"Nope. I just got off work and I thought I would get a coffee then head home." Lucas replied.

"Oh okay..." Jake coughed in a 'introduce me way'.

"Oh right. This is my friend Jake." I gestured to Jake,

"Her best friend to be exact." Jake pointed out.

"Well it's nice to meet you Jake," Lucas said then held his hand out to shake Jake's hand but Jake just crossed his arms and pouted, I just rolled my eyes. Lucas leaned forward to my ear,

"I don't think Jake likes me."

"No, what gave you that idea?" I said sarcastically.

"Well we better get going, bye Lucas." I said walking and waving back at Lucas,

"Wait, Juliet.." Lucas said jogging up to us,

"Can I have your number, for you know homework or maybe hanging out sometime." Lucas smiled that dorky smile, I could tell he wasn't trying to ask me out or anything just friends but..,

"Look Lucas, you don't need to try to be friends with me, trust me you don't want to be." I said with a bored tone and then walked away with Jake behind me and Lucas standing back there looking at my leaving form.

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