Nightmarish Dream

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We continued training going into the dream world and coming back to the real world. After a few hours passed by I was exhausted,

"Could we take a break Lucas? I'm really tired." I asked Lucas laying back on the couch.

"Yes of course, you've had a crazy day. You can crash here, let me get you some blankets." Lucas replied, gently touching my back then getting up. I sighed deeply, streaming my fingers through my hair taking another deep breath. I'm so tired of all of this....I groaned again feeling my wound hurt even more. Man, I really have lost myself.

"Here are the blankets and a comfy pillow." Lucas came back into the room handing me the items.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." I replied setting up my bed on the couch.

"If you need me, I'll be in the next room over. Sleep well Juliet." Lucas said coming over and lightly kissing the top of my head then walking into the other room. I laid down on the bed, curling up in a ball under the warmth of the blanket. A single tear fell from my eye as I drifted off to sleep.

The pounding in my head got worse and worse, there was ringing in my ears that just wouldn't stop. I felt more blood come from my head as the wound kept reopening.

"It'll all be okay Juliet....the ringing will stop..." I heard a voice calling out to me amidst all the sound.

"Lucas...Is that you?" I called out hoping he would hear me. I heard no reply but soon felt arms wrap themselves around me protectively.

"There's nothing to fear're safe in my arms." The ringing seemed to get worse. I gripped my head, feeling like it was going to explode.

"Shhhh it's okay Darling..." The arms tightened around me, suddenly I left like I was being choked. I couldn't breath. I started to feel panic rise up in me, I felt trapped. I needed to get out.

"Please let me go!" I started to twist and turn trying to get out of this strangers grasp. His touch burned everywhere on my body. I managed to get away, quickly turning around to see the person.

"Calm down Love."

"No! Anyone but you!" I shouted making my headache pound worse. I feel to the floor feeling like I was going to pass out. Why does this keep happening!

"Let me help you." He walked closer to me.

"No! Midnight, don't take another step closer to me. This is your fault!" I yelled trying to stop the bleeding.

"You drew me to do this, taking my mom, Jake, my sanity!"

"Why would you do that to your beautiful face....the words that showed you and everyone else that you belong to me!" Midnight yelled getting angry. I flinched at his roaring voice.

"I'm sorry, Angel. I didn't mean to scare you." He said taking my chin in his hand, lightly brushing my well tired face.

"Please just leave me alone. You're a demon that keeps haunting my dreams, turning them into nightmares. I can't handle this." I pleaded, my voice breaking softly.

"Oh, but My Dear, this is only the beginning, this is barely even the first move in the chaos of this world. Unless you purely decide to give in and become my Queen." Midnight replied with his signature smirk.

"Never!" I replied ripping my chin from his grip but instantly regretting the fast motion as my head throbbed more. I felt my vision going in and out, becoming fuzzier and blurrier.

"Now is time to wake up my Darling, please be careful with that pretty little head of yours." Midnight walked off into the shadows and I saw the light seeping in.

I jumped up, choking on air, still hearing a soft ring in my ears, freaked out. Not again.

I haven't seemed to get a full night's rest in such a long time, between stressing over this whole situation and Midnight invading my dreams. I sat up on the couch sighing deeply, seeming to grow a headache as my mind raced with thoughts. The patter of the rain hitting the roof calmed my heart into a soft beat and my mind seemed to slow just focusing on the peace and quiet. Now that was something I really missed, the quiet. A quiet life, a quiet household, just quiet. The time to think calmly. The morning slowly approached along with that cold morning chill as I wrapped myself in the blanket Lucas let me borrow and walked into the kitchen for search of some coffee. After awhile of rummaging around I was able to find coffee and brewed some up, plus a little extra in case Lucas wanted any when he woke up. I walked back over to the couch with my warm coffee and heard one of the doors open, turning around to see Lucas sleepishy walking out of his room.

"Oh, Hey Julesy, what are you doing awake?" Lucas asks scratching his messy bed hair. So cute. I mentally shake my head to recollect my thoughts.

"Hey Lucas, I made coffee if you want any." I said avoiding the question not wanting to tell him I've been awake for hours.

"Oh...okay thanks, I appreciate it." He replied eyeing me suspiciously, then walking into the kitchen.

"So....How're you feeling today? You seem tired..." Lucas asked coming to sit on the couch across from me. I gulped staring down at the remnants of my coffee.

"I'm just so tired of this... this constant fear... the fear he'll come after me, that one of these times it won't just be a dream." I admitted slowly. Lucas just looked at me with soft emerald eyes, knowing that there's no way of knowing what could happen, and yet that gaze is comforting to my frantic heart.

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 18, 2017 ⏰

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