Lets Start The Bet

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After an intense moment at the café, we decided to walk to the park. Peter wrapped his left arm around my waist keeping me close to him as he walked. "I missed this place so much...surprisingly," he said looking off into the distance. "Wait, didn't we go to the same high school," I ask. He stopped in his tracks, "I do think so.." he said trailing off, "Why do you say that" he looks me dead in my eyes. "Well the school wasn't that big so the fact I don't remember if we interacted or not is odd," I say pulling at my sleeves. He lets out a sigh like he was relieved about what I said, "Well I skipped most of the time and when I was in school I was most likely in detention." he said letting out a bit of a laugh revealing his sharp teeth. He grabbed my chin making me look up at him making me realize how much the height difference was, couldn't be more than a foot or so but still he was shockingly tall, taller than TK. "I mean we could always make up those years," he says with a sly smirk on his face. I feel my face start to warm and I quickly turn away from him, ripping my face from his hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Peter frown for a quick moment. He hugs me from behind. "Look at who's flustered," he says with his face in my neck, I can feel his smile. "I-I'm not flustered, I am completely fine" I try to regain my composure quickly. "Don't lie to me Darling" I can feel his breath as he says those words sending shivers down my spine. I shake my head trying to clear it like it's an etch-a-sketch. I think I hit him with my hair cuz I can hear him saying a subtle 'ouch'. "I am so sorry Peter" I turn around and hold his face with my hands, then I hear him purring. Wait that can't be, it must be my imagination. "It's okay love I forgive you this time, now let's keep walking"

Peter's POV

That was a close call from hell, I thought she remembered our 'quick exchanges' during high school. I mean I lived in the shadows during high school, I was mean until TK transferred to our school during sophomore year. TK style and mine were very similar, I guess that's why I befriended him. Being in a small town with no one else like me it was hard. I bullied Y/N because I had the biggest crush on her. She didn't have any friends and quickly befriended TK like I did. So I distanced myself and watched her from a far. It was close to 6 years ago and I didn't do anything to scar her for life so I guess that's why she doesn't remember me. Or did she and that's why she has a preference for me. My thoughts were running 3000 miles per second and I guess Y/N picked up on that. She snapped her fingers in front of my face, repeatedly saying 'Earth to Peter'. I quickly snap out of my thoughts as I realize what's going on. "So why do you like me so much and not TK I know you two were friends during high school" as I ask her that question her face turns a bright red. "I don't know, I just saw you one day in the first photo of the band even taken and from there I kind of just developed an interest with you. I remember when I heard TK talk about you and the band for the first time, he was so excited." She let out a smile and a soft giggle. "I mean not to sound weird but you are my home screen on my phone, I never thought I'd actually meet you so its kind of embarrassing," she pulled out her phone unlocking it to show a picture of me, one of the first pictures of me TK took, I had an almost angry face in the photo. She was blushing a deep crimson color, hiding her face. After she seen I analyzed the photo she turned it off and placed it back in her back pocket. "I think the photo was during the third practice, I remember TK saying something like 'why does he look like a Pitbull' and I almost died of laughter" she looked almost like a flower remembering the fun times from her high school memories.

As we continued walking we approach a bench and sit down, enjoying a subtle breeze. "I used to come out here when I skipped to just sit and think," I say leaning my head back. "Did you have any crushes in high school" Y/N just spoke out of nowhere. "I had one, we were kind of on opposite sides of the style chart. I had feelings for her but I was a tad bit mean, well I was mean to everyone but with her it was different I guess. I got scared and stopped coming into contact with her all together." I push some of my hair out of my face. I turn to face Y/N, "how about you, did you have any high school crushes," she immediately went into thought. "I mean there was this one guy, I can't really remember him though. I just know the emotions I felt scared me, I've never had a boyfriend and the fear of rejection of so strong. After TK came into my life and I suppose yours as well, I don't remember seeing him anymore," she crosses her arms and looks off into the distance "I wish I wasn't such a coward, maybe it could have lead to something," the expression on her face turned sad. "Don't say that Darling, rejection can be scary." I gave her a soft smile hoping to cheer her up. She lays her head on my shoulder and scoots closer leaving no space between us.

1028 Words

A/N - ADHD is kicking in bruh hate it

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