Up Close and Personal

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PRE-STORY A/N ~ This is where I got the name of the fanfic along w/ Monster by Lady Gaga, but this song is from my younger years



After spending the entire day with Peter, I return home at 6 pm. I enter, seeing Lucy asleep, sitting up on the couch. On TV was just some random movie. I gently shake Lucy awake; as her eyes open, I tell her to lay down in her room to be more comfortable. She slowly gets up and makes her way back to her room. I follow after her to make sure she's okay. One time she fell asleep standing in the hallway. As she enters her room, the smell of lavender wafts out, much better than what it used to smell, and god am I glad.

I then go to my room and start texting TK

Y/N: Hey loser

TK: Hi, dumb nut

Y/N: So what you want

TK: I heard you and Peter went on a bit of a date

Y/N: 1. Yes, we went out 2. It wasn't a date 🙄

TK: Well, he's over here giddy as hell

TK : *Sends photo of Peter holding a pillow fangirling*

Y/N : *Screenshots photo*

Y/N: That's a keeper

TK: Don't let him know I sent that

I get off my phone with a giggle, setting my wallpaper as the new picture of Peter I received. Lucy peeks her head into my door, "I'm heading out to work, love, don't stay up all night," she says, giving me a stern look. "I won't, Mom," I say, sticking my tongue out. She rolls her eyes and leaves the house. I looked through the boxes packed underneath my bed for my high school yearbooks. My mom bought a yearbook every school year. It was annoying; however, I got to keep these memories from school. After about an hour of searching, I find them. I look through the students' section, and I see the picture of Peter and me during homecoming our freshman year. I wore a yellow formal sundress with beige platform heels, and Peter was in an all-black suit, including the shoes and button-up. I quickly flip to the club photos section and find the clubs I participated in. I am standing next to a mildly aggravated freshman, Peter, in the art club. I giggle at the sight and remember that Peter and I were friends. Was he the guy I liked? I analyze our clothes, Peter is in a fishnet top, and black ripped jeans with chains and chokers.

On the other hand, I was dressed in a baby blue sweater and skinny white jeans. My hair had an (f/c) streak in the (h/c) mess I had straightened out for the picture. I had one necklace that I still have to this day; It was a little pentagram. I always had an odd obsession with the occult and witchcraft.

I get up from my floor with all four yearbooks, sliding the boxes back under the bed. I looked through my closet for clothes similar to those I wore in high school. I find a soft yellow long sleeve top, an egg-white cardigan, and a white skirt that stopped above my knees. I shuffle my shoe boxes around and find some white high-top converse. I fold the outfit and place it on top of my dresser. I sit on my bed and send Peter a couple of photos from the yearbooks with the text 'Why didn't you tell me we used to be friends??'. I plug up my phone and look at the time; the clock reads '8:37 pm'; how'd it get so late? I get up and quickly jump in the shower.

Peter POV

"Were you friends with Y/N before I came to y'all's school?" TK asks, breaking me from my thoughts. "If I tell you the truth, promise not to tell her" I glare daggers at him. They nod their head promising. I heaved a sigh, "I and Y/N were super close, at least in my eyes. I was a bit cold to people I didn't know. Most people didn't even give me a second chance.

Meanwhile, Y/N keeps pursuing me, not taking no for an answer. I slowly opened up, then you transferred, and I stepped back. I knew people were scared of me, and I didn't want to ruin her chances of having more friends. I kept an eye on her from afar, making sure no one caused her any problems, and if they did, I made sure they were dealt with" I lay back onto the pillows behind me. TK looked at me in either fear or surprise, "What did you do to them" they asked, starting to brush their teeth. "Nothing more than threats, and sometimes they got beat up," I say, trying to relax. TK leaves it alone and walks into the hotel bathroom.

My phone beeps with a message from Y/N, asking about our relationship in high school. I panic because I don't know what to tell her. I start doing breathing exercises to calm my anxiety. I get up and start pacing around my room. I decide to tell her the truth. It's her decision, after all. I hope I didn't mess it up. After I send the message, I power off my phone and place it underneath my pillow.

TK comes out of the bathroom while I'm still in my frantic state. "Dude, are you okay," they ask with a puzzled look. "She found out," I say, rubbing my hands on my knees. TK stands there for a second, trying to figure out what I mean till it clicks for them. "Are you scared she'll be mad at you?" they ask, sitting beside me. All I can do is nod in response. I hear them let out a weak laugh, "Even IF she were mad, she would understand you. She's not the type to hold grudges. At most, she would try to hit you hard on the head." TK finishes with a smile, then gets up and goes to their bed. All I can do now is sleep and hope for the best.

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