So That's The Truth?

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I was awakened to violent shaking from Lucy. "Y/N you gotta get up for work," she says as I groan not wanting to wake up. I turn away from her, "I don't want to go." She must not like that answer because she proceeded to grab me by my ankle and partially yeets me off my bed, waking me all the way up. I give Lucy a death stare as she shrugs and leaves my room.

I grab my work uniform, a red button up, khaki pants and white apron of course with my off brand Walmart non-slip shoes. I get in the shower to wake myself up more. I let the water run over my body, grateful for the long weekend yet dreading the day ahead. I quickly wash my hair and get out. I blow dry my hair quickly and get dressed.

"Lucy, I'm gone" I say as I leave the house quickly before she can nag me about not eating breakfast. I live relatively close to my job by car. It was an old dinner, probably originally built like 50+ years ago. It was run by the grandson of the original owner, who was already in his 30s and angry at life. What didn't help was the fact that most people wanted perfection from a small family run dinner.

I pull up at the small dinner, banging my hands on the steering wheel once I realize I left my phone at home. "Y/N you're 5 minutes late" my boss says as I go to clock in."It's only 5 minutes, but I'm sorry I washed my hair and I guess I took to long" I say clinching my fist. If he isn't hitting on me, he's belittling me on the smallest things. I can't quit because the job market is fucking shit.

I grab my pen and notepad. I look at the booth seeing only a couple of people. It doesn't seem like today will be super busy. It was an older couple who were regulars and tipped very generous tippers. I knew today was their 50th anniversary. The other booth looked to be filled with a group of frat boys who were hung over. I quickly get their orders and give them to the chef in the back. The dinner has gone through a couple since TK left with his band 4 years ago, right after high school actually. I miss working with them.


The work day ended, going slow like most days. At least not many people came by today. I get in my car and drive back home. Like always Lucy is in the kitchen making dinner for us. "I have meant to ask you, what's going on between you and Peter" she's asks almost singing it."Well, I finally remembered we went to high school together. I think I had a crush on him in highschool, and I still kinda do," I say laying over the back of the couch. Lucy giggles and places two plates. "Come eat I've made your favorite food today" as soon as she's finishes her sentence I'm running to the table."So about this little crush are you going to tell him," she asks. "As of now no, I made a bet that I would fall in love with him before he leaves, and I'm not gonna lose a bet to anyone" as I get those words out Lucy is trying to suppress a violent laugh."My sweet Y/N, just tell him. I know you're competitive but maybe you need to let that go and try to embrace some love in your life" Lucy places her hand on mine. "Not a fat chance in hell," I say pointing my fork in her general direction. She roles her eyes and puts her plat in the sink. "Well I feel like you should break your little winning streak and live a little" she dances down the hallway to her room.

After I finish my food, I put my plate in the sink. I pick up my phone for the first time today. I realize I had received a long paragraph from Peter. He explained everything, from the beginning to us now. I feel horrible for basically forgetting peter for all these years. I start to tear up and call peter.

"Uh, hi Y/N," he says sounding like he just woke up. "I-Im sorry" I get out through the sobs."What's wrong, what happened" Peter sound worried seeming like he's having a heart attack. "Y/N, talk to me please," he says his anxiety becoming more apparent with each word he said. "I never meant to forget you, and I'm sorry." I say breaking out into another violent sob. "Y/N send me your address and I'll come to you," he says sounds of him getting up and dressing coming from the other side of the phone. I give a weak 'ok' before hanging up and sending him the address. Less than 10 minutes later he's at my apartment door knocking Lucy gets the door and leads him to my room. Their eyes both widen to see me with red puffy eyes and my arms wrapped around my knees keeping them close to my chest.

Peter quickly runs to my side grabbing my hand. "Y/N, My darling don't cry," he says while wiping my tears. Lucy is at my door now silently giggling. I stare daggers at Lucy, and she puts her hands up in surrender and leaves closing the door behind her. "I want to give you a peaceful and laid back life to keep you safe," he says as he runs his hands through my hair. "Every dog has his day but you best believe I'm gonna win this bet," I say bursting out laughing. Peter looks at me in straight confusion. I place a small kiss on his forehead and laugh even more as his face turns a bright red. "Don't laugh at me dork," he says turning even more red. He thumps my forehead earning a quick 'ouch' from me. I pretend be hurt and pout. Peter quickly pulls me into a hug and mutters multiple apologies.

That Boy is a Monster || Your boyfriend (Peter) x Reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora