Let's put the fun back into funeral

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It's been five days since TK died. Lucy has been practically a shut-in. The only time she leaves her room is to get food and use the bathroom. Even with his jealousy towards TK, he's taken the hit pretty hard. He cries every now and then when he thinks no one can see him. Last night I heard him on the phone with his sister talking about how bad he feels about TK's death.

Today I'm going with TK's mom to help her with the funeral planning and everything. I drag myself out of my bed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand. I grab a simple short sleeve shirt, a pair of jeans, my comfort hoodie, and underwear, then make my way to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror, it looks like I'm a dead person, I might do some basic makeup before I leave. I turn on the shower, waiting a moment to get to the preferred temperature. I take off the clothes I've worn for the past three days and get in the shower. The water feels nice, honestly the first nice thing in the past couple of days.

After an hour-long shower, I get out, because of Lucy screaming she has to pee. I quickly get dressed. As soon as I open the door Lucy pushes me out of the way, letting out a quiet 'thanks'. I go into my room and take out my tiny makeup bag. I go over to my mirror and take out the foundation, concealer, contour, and makeup brush. I apply the makeup, just enough to make me look alive again. I slip on a pair of my crocs and go out to the living room.

"Hey Y/N," Peter says without turning his head towards me.

"Hi, Peter," I say leaning over the back of the couch. Placing my head on his shoulder.

"So, you're going out today to help with Tk's funeral," he asks, a slight annoyance lacing his voice. I roll my eyes and sigh in annoyance.

"Yes, I am, it won't take me more than an hour or two. So don't mope around and cuz problems because of it." I hit him on the back of the head.

"Ow! Y/N that hurt, why'd you do that he says" Peter starts to silently rub the back of his head. I laugh and start on my out the door and waving goodbye.


The time spent at the funeral home took longer than expected, which might cause a bit of trouble when I walk back into the apartment. I sit in my car and allow myself some time to think. This whole thing was the worst thing I could go through. I let out a long exhale and got out of my car.

When I walk back into the house Lucy is sitting in the armchair and Peter is sitting on the couch.

"Are y'all watching Jerry Springer?" I ask with surprise, lacing my voice.

"Yeah, it's a new episode and this is the best TV to watch it on. Since it's the bigger one. The tv in my room is like ⅓ the size of this tv" Lucy answers without moving her eyes from the tv. Peter seems to be enjoying it enough to not make her change the channel.

I decided to take my seat next to Peter. As soon as I sit down Peter places his arm around my waist. His grip on my waist was a little tighter than usual.

"What took you so long?" He asks me his voice just loud enough for me to hear.

"Whatever you're thinking, it's not it. I was still with Cherry the entire time. I just wanted everything to be perfect, I wanted to give TK the exit he deserves. You should know how I am about order." I respond with a sigh.

Peter just nods and doesn't say anything. He pulls me closer to his body. I lay my head on his shoulder. He let out a small 'fuck' and I realize I laid my head on a big chunk of his hair. I move my head and keep saying 'Sorry'.

"It's okay Y/N I promise. Don't worry about it, " He pulled all his hair to his other shoulder. "Now there you go." He puts my head back into his shoulder. I can just tell his love language is touch.

"So, when are y'all gonna be official?" Lucy says turned to us. I can tell for at least for this second that my Lucy is finally back.

"Lucy with everything going on I don't think I need to make anything 'official' right now." I roll my eyes jokingly making Lucy let out a little snicker. However, I can tell Peter's demeanor changed. Lord Jesus, I don't need this right now.

"So, what are we then" when he asks that question, I freeze up. Because truthfully, I don't know. I know we both like each other. So that almost automatically makes us more than friends. But we don't sleep together so we aren't friends with benefits. But we aren't actually dating either because before now it was never established.

"I guess it's like a weird space between dating and being friends. I just can't start a relationship before we put TK in the ground. Just give me till after then and I will have an honest answer for you." I say and pray to whatever God is up there that he understands. His grip around my waist seems to loosen up and eventually he gets off the couch entirely leaving the room. I don't look back to see where he goes.

"I'm so sorry Y/N I didn't think it would upset him," Lucy looks like she's already on the verge of tears.

"Luc it's alright you didn't know what was going to happen. Neither did I. It's going to be okay; I promise." I give her a big smile. "Matter of fact he should be used to this by now ya know. He's a little drama queen," I say with a snicker.

"I'm a what now" I snap my head around and see Peter coming out of the kitchen area with his cigarettes in hand. I should have known he just went to get those. Mentally smashing my head into a wall.

"She said you were a drama queen," Lucy snickers to herself after telling on me.

"Wow really, you're a snitch now." I put a pretend shock face on and then throw a pillow at Lucy. "You're such a traitor."

"Well, there is more I could say but I'm not going to." Lucy throws the pillow back at me and hits me dead in the face causing her to double over in laughter. Which she ends up falling out of the chair, "Ow my ass" which is heard beside a loud thud.

"Now that's what you get trying to expose me." I say snickering at Lucy's fall until I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder.

Peter leans to whisper in my ear, "If you wanna see me be a drama queen I can most definitely." he says with a snicker causing my whole body to stiffen up. "Don't tempt me sweetheart" with that he walks away and sits on the couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2023 ⏰

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