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"Don't pat my head ever again" he says crossing his arms. I copy him, "Why not I'm pretty enough too," I say with sass. He just shakes his head and crosses his arms. I jump over the top of the couch landing on the middle cushion. "You are so childish" he states like it's new information and sits beside me. He reaches into his pockets and pulls out a pack of Marlboro Reds, "Do you mind if I smoke in here" he asks pointing at the white and red box. "Only if I can get one, you're so weird, why don't you smoke Camels or Newports? You're gonna get hardcore lung cancer" I say laughing softly, cuz I'm hilarious. "Wouldn't want it any other way" he pulls out two cigarettes putting one in his mouth and handing the other one to me. As soon as he sees me put it in my mouth he lights it for me, like a gentleman. I take a pull from it and feel it burn my throat, "This is hard as fuck I should have just got mine," I say blowing the smoke out. He looks at me suppressing a laugh as he lights his own.


"Peter as much as I truly enjoy your company but I'm afraid you must go" I lay my hand dramatically on my forehead. "Oh Darling I shall see you again tomorrow even if it kills me," he grabs my hand kissing it gently. I could feel my heart screaming inside my chest. He walks out the door and I let out a hard sigh.

Peter's POV

As I make my way back to my car I see Don. He waves me down and does a quick jog over to me. I lean on my car and wait for him. "I just have a simple question for ya," he says trying to compose his wording. "Are you Y/N's boyfriend, mainly asking cuz the last guy to come was Lucy's 'partner' nothing against you I promise," Don puts his hands up in an 'im, not a threat' way. "To be honest with you I'm trying to be, I know she likes me I'm just waiting for her to confess to it," I explain Don gives me a confused look. "I knew Y/N back in high school, we both liked each other but we both were cowards. We lost touch at one point in high school. We only recently connected again," I give him a summary of our 'history'. He starts to process my words and understand the situation. "Y/N is like a daughter to me and I want to see her happy. Please don't let her down," as he said his final words he left. I thought I was going to have to stab a guy, looks like everything worked out. I drove back to the hotel where our band was staying.

As soon as I opened the room door TK was sitting there like an upset mother. "Where were you it's like 12 in the morning, you left at 8 let me repeat EIGHT for a pack of cigarettes. Where were you," they said repeatedly pointing at the clock. "I was with Y/N why does it matter," I respond. Their expression seems to soften once I mentioned Y/N. "I worry for you, in high school, you did make a lot of enemies. Who knows who still holding grudges against you. We can't lose our guitarist. You should have just messaged me," they say rubbing their forehead. "Originally I did leave for a pack of cigarettes, she just wanted me to come over when I was still out," I say pulling out the box and showing it to them.  I fall onto my bed letting out a loud sigh. I run my hands through my hair feeling tired. 

"Remember we have another show tomorrow so you can't spend time with Y/N all day. Plus I would like to spend time with MY friend before we have to leave again" I sit up straight hearing those words. "Your friend? Fucking really. If she wanted to spend time with you she would and wouldn't be texting me. Ever think of that," I say now standing in front of them. "Maybe she would want to spend time with me if Mr. Sad backstory left her alone," it took a lot out of me to not hit them in their mouth. "You and I both know she is just reliving her highschool years out again. When she decides she wants to move on with life she'll drop you again," without thinking I hit them in their mouth to shut them up. I left out the room checking the time it was 2 am. Had we really been fighting for two hours. Me and TK haven't fought before, we both care a lot about Y/N. 'Maybe they like her too' I stop in the hallway as that thought came to mind. I didn't want to hurt TK, they were something of a best friend of mine. I continue my way out the hotel.

After driving for a hour I pull up to a house on the outskirts of town. My childhood home, my sister still lived her. I hate her but times like this I needed her. I walk you the stone pathway to the brick house. I climb onto the creaky porch and knock on the door. To my surprise Sarah opens the door. "Long time no see Peter" she says leaning against her door frame. "I need help...with a girl," I say shoving my hands in my pockets. A smirk comes across her face she moves out the way and motions me to come in. She leads me to the living room. She's redecorated, The old floral print couches where replaced with black leather ones. In front of them was a shiny black coffee table, matching the shiny hard wood floors. I sit down and she sits on the opposite side of the couch. "So tell me about this girl" she says pulling her black and pink robe around herself tighter. "Well I knew her from high scho-" before I can finish she butts in "It's Y/N isn't it" she finished I nod. "Of course, you want her to like you back" I nod again in response. "I know you know what she likes, take her on an art museum date. Girls like Y/N love that stuff, well I do too" she finished with a giggle. "We both know how stubborn she is, maybe try to make he take her guard down. I remember her, the way she looked at you. That girl is in love with you yet doesn't want to admit it" she says smiling bright like always. I hate this girl but when it came to the matters of love she knew what she was talking about. I give her a hug and mutter a 'thank you' which catches her off guard. I'm already almost at my car when she makes it to the door "Let me know when the wedding is" she then doubles over in laughter. I flip her off and drive away.

I would like to thank Natari_Creates , who is giving me motivation to keep on and sorry to other readers who don't smoke.

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