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I awake to the scream of my alarm dreading the day ahead. I slide off my bed. Laying on the cold floor kicking the ground. Lucy walks into my room, holding a coffee cup. "Love just quit if it makes you feel this way. No matter what you do it should make you happy. I work at an orphanage and I enjoy it. I will support you," she says sighing hatting seeing me stressed. "I'll think about it today," I drag myself up from the floor. I sluggishly drag myself to the bathroom and start my shower. I sit down in the shower feeling stress build up on me. All this things are happening and I truly don't know what to do. I do have intense feelings for Peter but at the same time I'm scared of commitment. Plus with my job and the perverted boss, I just don't want to depend on nobody.

After a good ten minutes of sitting in the shower like a depressed snail I get out. Putting on the gross diner uniform I head out. I take a longer way this morning, going in a circle of sorts. All just for a little more along time and to listen to more of my music. Finally I pull up to my job and walk in. It's scarily quiet among the staff, just subtle whispering.

I walk up to the cook and ask him what's going on. "Oh some are saying the boss killed himself or skipped town," he ends it with a shrug like he didn't just drop a bomb on me. "Why are people saying that" I ask tying my apron around myself. "Because Mable came to open up and asked everyone if they heard from Andrew," he says continuing his basic prep.

I look around trying to find Mable, one of my original bosses. I see her in her favorite booth drinking a black coffee. "Hey Mable" I say as I sit down across from her. "I'm sure you heard something about the situation today" she places her hand on top of mine. Andrew was a bitch of a boss but I would never wish bad on him and indirectly hurt Mable. "I hope he just went out with some friends and just haven't came back yet' I say through gritted teeth. Honestly I wouldn't mind if he didn't come back. Lemme take back my words real quick. I wouldn't mind it if he died.

After a few minutes of talking with Mable customers come flooding in. Some of our female regulars seem at ease to see Andrew not here. Everyone seems to be having a better attitude with Andrew not being here. Maybe this is just a blessing in disguise. Have Mable as my boss again seems amazing. "You seem happier today" the cook says to me in our small break room. "Well with Andrew not being here no one has made one perverted comment or chastised me," I say leaning against the counter. "I don't believe I ever got your name" I say to him. "Oh snap your right, I'm Eliot," he reaches out a hand and I shake it. "obviously I'm Y/N" I point to the name tag in my chest. He lets out a small chuckle. "Looks like my break is over see ya," I say waving at him and getting back on the floor.

As soon as I step into the main area I see TK walk in. "Hey dude" I say doing a small jog to them. "Hi Y/N how is my lovely lady doing," they say nudging me in the side. "Oh she is doing amazing, living life as it comes," I say doing a little swaying motion to the generic music in the background. "I don't want you spending anymore time with Peter," As soo as they say that I just freeze. I don't know how to respond to that statement. Me and TK have been close for years and they never said anything of the likes. Is this a test, why would they be testing me. I can feel my heart beat 10000 miles per second. "W-why TK, I enjoy spending time with Peter" I say crossing my arms. "Because I don't think he's a good influence on you," they said now its a full on argument. "TK I am a grown woman, I can make my own judgement. Do you think I'm easily influenced. You must be mistaken. Today was a good day and you had to come in here on some bull shit," I blow up, I'm more hurt than anything. They stumble over words trying to find something to say. "If you're next works aren't an extravagant apology than leave," I end up saying pointing at the exit, he looks surprised and just leaves.

After work ends I shoot Peter a text asking him to come over in ten minutes. I drive home as fast as I can safely. I walk up the steps and into the apartment. Lucy is making dinner when I walk in. "Is Peter coming tonight, I'm making enough for him to," she yells from inside the kitchen. For some reason it makes me smile. Maybe because I know one of my friends approve of Peter and mine relationship, whatever it may be. I flop onto the couch exhaling, rubbing my temple.

A string of knocks comes from the door. "I'll get it" Lucy says running over to the door.  "Y/N it's your boyfriend," Lucy says after she opens the door. Peter walks into the living room looking irritated. His hair is in more of a disarray. "Hey are you alright," I ask laying my head on his shoulder. He runs his hands through his hair, "TK, is just being weird" he says exhaling hard. "TK came into my work and said I don't need to hang out with you anymore. It got into a bit of an argument. I made them leave," I say shaking my head. Peter's body tenses up and his hands turn in a fist in his lap.

"Dinner is ready y'all come get it" Lucy yells from the kitchen. We both walk in a see Lucy putting plates in the table. "Well it seems like buying a 4 chair dining room set was a good idea after all" I say taking a seat. Peter takes a seat beside me. He places his hand on my lower thigh and I tense up. Lucy see it from across the table and laughs a bit. I stare daggers at her and she just laughs harder trying to cover her mouth.

Sorry for being gone for a minute. Do y'all want me to make a bit of a reference sheet for this au. Also give suggestions if you wanna see something happen. Also super sorry for the TK conflict. I love them so much but I need conflict.

That Boy is a Monster || Your boyfriend (Peter) x Reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang