-Talk To Self-

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Look brain, we gotta talk real quick about something.

About what? What we're gonna make next?

No, no... not that. Look, I know you like to come up with ideas and try to quickly make things, but I think it's doing more harm then good in a sense...

What makes you say that?

You pestering me to make things quickly is just making me kinda miserable at times

Oh... I didn't mean to-

I know, I know.

It's just that... it's okay to just... take a break from making things and take time for yourself. Do things that help you relax. And take a break to get the motivation and energy to draw and write

-glances over that the motivation jar-

-it only has a few drops of water in it.

...I'm starting to think we may need a small break again from writing...

But we hardly wrote much.

Yeah, that's true... just... take our time. The jar doesn't usually get too full, anyway... let's just... take time to ourselves for a bit. We don't have to write an entire chapter in a day, writing bit by bit is better, anyhow.

. . .

So... wanna chill outside for a bit?

Eh, sure

Oh, also one more thing

What's that?

Stop making me feel sad and feel like crying for zero goddamn reason!-

Some art of mine (and random things) #3Where stories live. Discover now