Date (Part 1)

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Well I legit only got one comment and it was for Dadmin. So random girl YOU WIN. Or guy. Idk.

I got a few reads and that makes me freaking happy.

2.67 reads I think. Maybe 2.65.

It's .65.

STILL THATS SO COOL. thanks guys. Thanks. You freaking. Rock. All of you. New readers. Loyal readers. You're all my baes.
Anyways. Here ya go!

Admin was really happy. Dirk finally asked her out! She was always cautious. She wasn't ever the one that people instantly fell in love with. Dirk did though. She just didn't know that.

She was getting ready though. Nigga be LOOKIN good. For bae. Of course. (Name) and Dave decided to go hang out tonight with our little Dadmin ship was going down.

Admin was stuck on what to wear or how to dress. Dirk would not tell her where they where going. If she dressed all formal and they ended up seeing a movie, she would look dumb. If she went all normal casual and they went to some hella fresh fancy restaurant she would look. Dumb.

She picked up her phone. "I know you don't wanna tell me. But can you at least tell me if I am supposed to be all fresh fancy dress or just casual? Bae pls."
Dirk picked up his phone and simply chuckled.

"Fine fine. :3 how about general casual? Kinda thing?"

Dirk put his phone down and stared himself in the mirror.

He looked fine. Nice actually. He was just nervous. If he messed this up, he might not ever get another chance with that cute dork again.

He wore his white collar. Black jeans. Black converse. Yeah he's more of a converse guy. And his grey hat he always wore.

Just our normal Dirk look. Attractive. That's the look.
It was around 8 and Dirk promised to be there around this time.

He left for his date. Never thought I'd write that for these two.

Admin wore her dark blue jeans and NASA shirt. She wore her hightops converse. Also a converse person. And her charcoal grey hat.

She straightened her black glasses in the mirror. Her make-up lookin' on POINT. GIRL. YAS.


No but seriously make up game on point.

Around 8:10ish Dirk knocked. He moved his sunglasses up on his face.

Admin quickly shuffled down the stairs with everything she needed for tonight.

Her straight, strawberry blonde hair flew perfectly as she made it to the door and opened it.

She saw Dirk and smiled. "Hey!" She said with enthusiasm.

Dirk didn't give a Strider Smirk. Nor a cool guy nod. No he was to happy. He smiled wide. "Well hello!" He sounded enthusiastic too. He wasn't normally so excited sounding. He normally kept his cool to seem cool. Except he was really excited so his aloof act had slipped away by a small fraction.

He held his hand out to her and she took it. She shut the door and locked it behind her. Since (Name) was already gone.

They where both hella nervous. Dirk was good at being what we know as a "player" but this was someone he cared about and he didn't want to mess up.

Oh and Admin was just flat out awkward at these sorts of these things.

They walked to Dirks car. He opened the door for her OO SO GENTLEMANLY.

She got in and he did too. On the other side.

"So I contemplated a bit on what we could do. But I finally found something you might enjoy." He said. He smiled. She was confused.

"Remember that time you told me you liked creepy places?" Dirk asked her.

She smiled slightly. "Yeeh. I enjoy them..."

Dirk smirked as he pulled into the empty parking lot of the large company they work for.

"Ha Ha Dirk. I see why you said creepy and scary."

Dirk only laughed a little.
"Yeah but I found a little something you might like."

They both got out and the car and Dirk took her hand in his, before she could object he began for the door. It was a day off for everyone. So the tall, wide building was closed. Dirk pulled a separate key from His pocket. "Danny gave this to me. Just for this occasion."

She lightly blushed. Danny. Her manager?

Imma cut off here. It's getting long. Yay parts! I didn't want them to have a boring date. :3

See you in part 2 :P

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