Kendall McCoy

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Actually, I'm not sure why my cover changed but whoever it was that commented it was a glitch or wattpad occasionally deletes things, you where right cause here's the chapter! Woo! No rewrites!

Sorry for over reacting.

I'm just letting you know, I don't think it's going to come to this XD

If something ever does happen to my account you can just go to
Admin_Little and I'll be there!

Like I would lose this book but just make a new one there and start a sequel that way thE SHOW GOES ON FOR YOU SINNAMON BUNS

I promise I wasn't self promoting ^^^^^

O K A Y here we go
There was a girl.

Dave wasn't cheating on you...

John had a girlfriend.

That is basically what happened.

Her name was Kendall. And she was actually really rad. She had brunette hair that barely passed her shoulders.

You liked her hair it looked very nice.

and she was much like you. Funny, and stupidly into fandoms.

She had actually been with John for awhile now, you found out. Which was nice. John deserved a very nice girl and that was probably her.

You hadn't ever seen her before because she went to a different school than you guys. But now John went to that school. That's where he moved to.

"OK OK BUT LET ME DO A THING" Kendall excitedly held up a sharpie

You where all currently sitting at a park in the cool sunset type of scenery.

You all being, Kendall, John, Dave, and of course, You.

Kendall grabbed your arm and pulled it to her, opening the sharpie and writing down digits on it.

"There!" She let your forearm go and closed the sharpie.

"-and that's how you get a girls number." She said and nudged John.

You and Dave giggled. "But I already have your number..?" He smiled anyways.

"Hey, smooth way of giving her your number." Dave chimed in. Kendall winked and clicked her tongue at you in a playful manner.

You laughed. You where having more fun than you thought you would. "Okay,
I'll text you or something. When I'm home." She nodded and gave a cute thumbs up

It slowly became night. And cold.

John made a comment about having to get home soon. Which was sad because you where having a great time.

Now you where walking home, hand in hand with your boyfriend.

"I'm getting scared.." He said, breaking the pleasant silence.

You frowned and looked over. "Why...?"

"Everything feels different...."
"In the house..."

You stayed silent for a minute.

He cut you off with light laughter.

"Nah.. Maybe I'm being stupid." He squeezed your hand.

You didn't respond.

"So did you have fun?" He broke the silence. You immediately nodded. "I did!"
"I know you did. I just wanted to ask"
You chuckled.

"So hey." He poked at your side. You slightly jumped in response to the sudden touch, but you where now very vigilant. "Yeah..?" You answered.

"Do you think Dirk and your sister have done the dirty..?" He had a weird smirk to his face and his tone was oddly sexual. "I uh.. " you nervously laughed. "I don't th- maybe? I mean my sister doesn't tell me much about her sex life" this boy had you flustered and he wasn't even talking about you.

"They have. More than once too." He shifted his glance to you and had this satisfied face.

You felt your face heat up slightly. "Dave! That's horribl- how do you know ..?" Your tone changed to sudden interest.

"I read his messages with one of his friends when he gave me his phone for some reason."

"Go Dirk.." You laughed a little. "Does he know you know..?"
"Probably not. It's more fun that way. I can give him these looks and he gets very nervous. You know..?"

Boy did you know. The striders where very good about looks. Some looks more disappointed and some Flat out sexual. You wondered how your sister viewed it.

"Mmhm." You agreed.

He smirked.

You sent Kendall a message that night, and fell asleep. When you woke up you awoke to a very nice message about troll anatomy, and the wonders of anime. It was like if drugs could be formatted into reading, that's what it would look like. It made you drunk and high at the same time waking up and reading it.

Then at the bottom of the message it just flat out said;


You didn't know even how to reply. Though you did with "Bill Gates"

Ahaha, you're clever.

You made your way downstairs to get yourself a glass of fine ass water when you where tackled when you hit the bottom stair.

"BwAHH" came from your mouth as your body collided with the ground, a body on top of yours.

"(Name)!" The cute squeal came from your big sister. She sounded distressed.

"Y-yeah..?" You responded as she stood up and threw her arms to the side. "How did you find out?! That's so weird!"

"Huh..?" You sat up and ran your hand through your hair a bit.

"About Dirk and I!"
"WH- that you're dating..? The whole world knows it hon, you cling to him a lot"
"I do not- that's beside the point. No I meant about-" she was cut off by a little blonde boy with a nice tone. "About her and Dirk finally hooking up." Dave smiled at the top of the stair case.

"I... Wha.. Who..." You looked from Dave to your sister. "I .. Don't even know how you found out that I knew..."

"That's besides the point how did YOU find out? That's not very good for random children to randomly know."

"Oh come on dear sister. It's nothing to freak out about. It's good you've finally been laid I thought it would never happen." You smirked and stood up. You have been hanging with Dave too much.

She glared down at you slightly. "That's so gross you're like still 9 in my eyes. I don't want my little sister all flip dip knowing I've done the thing!"

You bursted into laughter because her pale face turned so red.
She sighed.

Dave Strider X Reader (A Game of Pretend)Where stories live. Discover now