CHAPTER TWO: Panic And Run

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CHAPTER TWO: Panic And Run


Cale felt like he's going to suffocate.

It was too stuffy. Everything felt too small. There was a nagging feeling inside of him that made him want to come out and destroy everything. How dare they do this to him. He does not deserve this kind of treatment.

On the other hand, he could still hear the mumblings of the now familiar voice named as the dragon half blood.

He'd heard them talking with his father about eating dragons heart. It was disgusting but he could not do anything at the moment. His consciousness were still slipping in and out and he doesn't know how much time he'd spent in this space.

'Almost two hundred years since the green dragon, What's next? Why don't you just break these damn eggs?'

'Father told me newborns are tastier.'


These voices- Cale is starting to feel annoyed.

So once the silence took over, he prepared himself for something. After slipping in and out of consciousness, he felt as if this time he's on his right mind now that he doesn't feel like he's dreaming anymore.

"I'll... I'll go now. I want to rest."

Cale can feel the sorrow on the others voice.

He knew. He knew everything. The other was so talkative that he tells them everything. He only orders the other 'members' to take care of the things that he was supposed to do, because he was still once human, and he could not commit some things that could take the last bit of sanity that he has left.

After feeling that the other's presence weren't present, Cale started to get to work.

He felt this swirling thing in him that told him to control and use it any way he want. He felt weirded out at this, but used it to his advantage. The swirling thing inside of him started to roar as he focused on one thing and it's this damn place that's suffocating him.

He felt something with him moved, but he does not dare turn towards it. He kinda felt a little scared, and he felt like crying. There was someone with him all this time and he didn't know!

So, he took it upon himself and broke free from this place that's holding him down.

When he opened his eyes, it was a little dark. There was a small hole up there that showed the sun that felt as if its smiling down at him. He crawled out of the thing he was in, and started to take in his appearance. He didn't even asked why there was a mirror inside a cave, because he was too stunned to even have such thoughts.

Scaly face, reptilian eyes. Colors of his past hair now reflected on his scales. His eyes went with him as well.


Cale, no, the newborn baby red dragon wept for a mother from a life that he's done living.



Kim Rok Soo felt a weight on his side lessen, then suddenly, it felt cold.

He wants to whine, to flail around and cry for the warmth he's been basking on since he felt his consciousness slipping in and out but he could not do so.

He always knew when is the best time to smack someone from behind. So naturally, he knew when to be patient and gather enough strength to do as he pleases.

So he stayed idly, letting the warmth go away but feeling a new type of sleepiness yet awareness that he's going to wake up very soon.


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