Chapter Sixteen

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After making it to what you vaguely remembered as Hawks' house you were finally allowed to use the legs you were born with. Hawks cleared his throat and looked elsewhere before making eye contact with you again.

"Sorry about that, the news outlets are quite determined."

"It's fine." You broke the gaze not wanting to keep eye contact with him for long, knowing that it would cause him to get over confident with himself.

"Well, welcome to mi casa, do you want a drink or anything?" He asked, trying to remove the stifling awkward situation you found yourselves in.

"As long as it's not alcoholic I'll take it."

"You don't drink?" He seemed taken aback by your words. As if you had said something really offensive.

"Not on the first date no." To be honest, you didn't drink much on any dates, not wanting to be left alone and unable to get home when it came to it in the evening after you reject sexual advances. Maybe that's why you're still unmarked, you're sick and tired of people trying to take advantage of you.

"Ok then, I only have juice, is that alright?" He asked, looking at you intently.

"Yeah that's fine." If you were honest you were more interested in how he had a dating profile without being publicly brought out with it. Surely someone knows about him having one?

He walked into the kitchen, which you vaguely remembered the tile patterns being white and grey from before, and waited for him to be back. He called from the kitchen, "Make yourself comfortable, I have take out on the way, I wasn't sure what you wanted so I ordered the whole menu."

"You are aware that wastes food right?"

"No it doesn't because I'll take the leftovers to work and share it out."

Maybe Hawks wasn't as bad as you thought.

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