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Today is the day I've been dreading for a long time. The day my boyfriend of two years, Sav, leaves to go on tour with his band for a couple months. Def Leppard was starting to get big, with their newest album Pyromania shooting to the top of the charts in many different countries. MTV was showing the video for Photograph round the clock, with it even beating a Michael Jackson song as the #1 requested video. This tour runs from February to June, and Billy Squier is opening for them.

I'm so proud of how far the boys have come but I'm so sad to see them go. This is everything they've ever wanted and who am I to stop that. I'll be joining them later on in the tour once I get a break from school in May. I decided last year that I wanted to go back to school and pursue a degree in cosmetology as makeup is a passion I've admired for a long time. I had no idea how much Def Leppard would blow up in that year - but I don't regret anything. I'm excited for their future and even more excited to see the man I love doing what he loves the most.

An arm suddenly reached across me and pulled me in, interrupting my thoughts as I stared up at the ceiling.

"Good morning", Sav whispered in his sleepy morning voice as he kissed my cheek and held me close.

"Good morning." I responded with a smile, turning on my side to face the big beautiful blue eyes I fell in love with two years ago. "It's a big day" I added, glancing down quickly at his hand that never let go of my side.

He sighed, removing the hand from my side to push my hair out of my face and then resting it on my cheek. "I don't want to leave you here." He said.

"I know, we'll be okay. May will be here before you know it." I gave him a reassuring smile, even though it's killing me inside. "Come on, we need to get up." I went to turn to get up, but he pulled me back down in a flash to give me a deeper kiss than the one he had given me minutes earlier.

"Okay, now we can. I just had to do that first." Sav laughs, turning around and getting up to head to the bathroom. I shook my head, smiling.


We conquered the morning slowly, taking a long and hot shower followed by our normal routine of sitting outside with our coffee on the porch. Sav had packed up all of his stuff yesterday so that we could spend the night and this morning together, soaking it all in before we have to part for a few months. I will miss these little moments we share together that become 'our things' and our routines. The bed will be so lonely without him in it, but he has to do what he has to do.

"Well, it's almost time." Sav says as he places his coffee cup on the table between us. "The car should be here soon to take me to the airport."

We got up and held each other for as long as possible before we heard the car pull up in our driveway.

Sav looked over at the car before looking back at me. He leaned down and gave me one last kiss before helping the driver load his items and getting into the car. He rolled down the window and blew me a kiss. "See you soon, my love. I left all the numbers in the kitchen. I love you." He said. I told him I loved him too and then he left, waving before rolling the window back up.

This is going to be the longest couple months of my life.

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