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The sun peeking through the balcony door woke me up. The rain had subsided, allowing the sun to come back in full force.

My blonde companion is no longer beside me. He's outside smoking a cigarette on the balcony, in nothing but his boxers from the night before. How he's out there in the cold air in just his underwear, I have no idea. He's making me cold just looking at him as he's leaning up against the edge. He doesn't smoke often, but when he does he usually has a lot on his mind.

I pull his shirt over me and walk outside, the brisk air tingling against my legs as soon as I step out there.

I creep up behind him, putting my hands on his shoulders and placing a kiss on one. He blows smoke out of his mouth before putting out the cigarette in the canister on the ground next to us.

"Good morning." He says before pecking me and snaking his arm around my waist. I lean into him as we stare out to the bustling city below.

"Good morning. What's on your mind?" I jump directly into the burning question.

He cocked an eyebrow at me and chuckled. "You're too observant for your own good." His hand moves up and stops at the small of my back. "I'm fine. Just thinking about the album is all."

"Don't worry, everything will work out." I try to comfort.

He doesn't have to say anything for me to know why he's so stressed about the album. Rick's accident kind of put a stall in their plans. He's had to adjust to becoming a one-armed drummer and the band is doing everything they can to accommodate him. They had a custom drum set made for him and everything.

The band is sort of in a hiatus state right now, but they're still working around the drum parts. It's impossible for any of them to be at a complete musical standstill. Their brains work too hard.

"We've never taken this long to finish an album." He sighs.

"You've never had a one-armed drummer, either. Give yourself some slack."

"You're right." He smiles, facing me and pulling me in for a hug and resting his head on top of mine.

"Let's go back inside. As much as I love this outfit you're making me cold." I giggle.

"Look, a record shop. Let's go in there." Sav says, pointing at a shop a couple feet away from us.

He pulls me into the little store and I sigh in relief as we escape the cold air.

Sav wonders around to the 'Q' section as if he doesn't already own every Queen record and I drift around to the new arrivals. Immediately upon flipping through them, I stumble upon Pyromania.

"I love this album cover. Have you ever heard of this band?" I call over to him, holding the album up. He turns around and rolls his eyes once he realized what it is.

"Hilarious." He says with a smirk.

"I don't know, that bass player's kind of hot." I say as I'm looking at the liner notes.

"Is he now?" He smirks.

"Can I help you guys find anything?" A young worker come up to us. She looks like she's barely out of high school. Her name tag reads 'Cami.'

"No, we're all good. Thank you love." Sav answers.

"Okay, I'll be in the back if you need me." She puts a hand on Sav's shoulder and slowly walks away, purposely moving her hips back and forth as she does. She must recognize him. However, he's oblivious and didn't notice what she was doing as he turned back to continue looking through the Queen section.

I clear my throat and turn back to the new arrivals section, and Sav continues flipping.

"Is something wrong?" Sav asks. He's been mindlessly chattering and I've barely said a word.

I stop in our tracks, causing him to bump into me slightly. "No, it's nothing." I shrug. How do I put into words that I'm jealous of a girl who probably can't even legally drink in America yet?

"It's Cami, isn't it." He chuckles. "Relax, I'm sure she was just being friendly." I glare at him, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"That was more than 'being friendly' Sav. She definitely recognized you and was trying to flirt. I don't know how you didn't notice." I pout.

"Well, that's unfortunately going to happen more often now. Luckily for you, you're the one I'm marrying. You're the only one I notice." He reassures me, squeezing my arms.

I can feel my face turning red both out of embarrassment and Sav's words.

"I love you." I say, reaching up to grab his lips.

"I love you too. I promise." He says with his forehead against me.

It's our last night here in London. We're eating dinner outside on the balcony, the little radio in our room lightly playing. The cold air sweeps through ever so slightly, making goosebumps arise on my arms. I pull the blanket on my legs up further to try to combat it. Sav is rambling about his ideas for the next album, as always.

After we finish our meal, we head back inside. I take in the warmth as we shut the balcony door.

"I'm going to get in the bathtub." I announce, taking the blanket off of me and walking into the bathroom. I began peeling off my clothes and running the water as warm as possible. Just as I'm slipping in, Sav peeks in and leans against the door frame.

"Would you like to join me?" I motion my hand in front me. Sav smirks and strips down, walking over to the tub. He sits in between my legs and leans back on me, adding an extra layer of warmth. Resting his hands on my legs, he places small kisses on my jawline.

Every muscle in my body relaxes against his touch. I reach my hands over his and close my eyes, listening to the sounds of the water as we soak. I could stay here in this moment forever.

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