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Sav is extra chipper after yesterday, and last night especially. Today's a day off from performing for the band so we're celebrating the engagement with them by getting brunch.

I'm standing in front of the bathroom vanity in just his t-shirt and my underwear, trying to put on a little makeup to make myself look more presentable.

Sav walks into the bathroom behind me and snaps the elastic band on my underwear as he's walking by, making me gasp and drop my mascara.

"You don't need that anyway." He laughs, reaching into the shower to turn it on.

I roll my eyes and turn to face him, smiling. "I know that." I cross my arms against my chest and lean against the vanity and he shakes his head.

"Whatever you say, just know you're beautiful as you are." He puts his arms up in defense, removing his clothes and getting in the shower.

Shaking my head, I turn back around to finish getting ready, feeling his eyes on me every so often. Afterwards, I walk out to pick an outfit.

I wasn't really sure what to wear to our outing with the guys and Georgia. We're supposed to be going to a little rooftop bar in the city. It's still warm outside so I decide to pull on a white dress that comes just past my thighs enough to cover me up without being too scandalous.

Soon after I finish changing, Sav comes out with a towel wrapped around his waist. I take a moment to pause and admire his features. He bends down to get his clothes out of his suitcase then turns around and faces me with a big smirk.

"You know baby, if you keep staring at me like that we're going to have to have a repeat of last night." He winks. I blush, walking up to him and pecking him quickly.

"You started this when you snapped the elastic on my underwear. Then staring at me the entire time you were in the shower." I say, playfully putting a hand on his chest as I walk past him to put my earrings in.

After Sav takes an eternity to do his hair and get dressed, we finally head out the door to meet the guys downstairs.

When we get there, they're all crowded outside while waiting for the limo to arrive.

"There's the happy couple!" Phil says, putting a hand on Sav's shoulder and giving me a wink.

"Congratulations, guys." Georgia says with a sweet smile. She's standing beside Steve with his arm snaked around her waist.

"Thank you." I say, and look up at Sav who is smiling wide.

"It's about time the 'ole boy settles down." Joe says playfully.

"Piss off." Sav jokes and rolls his eyes.

The rooftop bar is beautiful. It's decorated with tiki torches and fairy lights, and every table has a bouquet of bright flowers. There's a live band playing soft tunes as the breeze is blowing by carefully.

Sav pulls out my chair for me and sits down next to me, resting his right hand on my knee.

"Have you decided on a date yet?" Rick asks, taking a sip of his water.

"No, I'd love to do a Christmastime wedding though. Maybe fall." I respond. Sav looks at me as if he's mentally taking note of what I said. We hadn't really discussed any weddings plans together yet so I'm sure me saying that caught him off guard.

"Oh a Christmas wedding would be beautiful." Georgia beams, clapping her hands together. I glance at Steve admiring her joy. They're precious together.

"Who knows, maybe we can do it on Sav's birthday. Make it a day we can both remember." I laugh, squeezing his hand.

"Hey, the 2nd of December is MY day." He joked.

We spent a couple hours at the bar, just talking and enjoying everyone's company. It was rare that we got relaxing moments like this during tours so we were all soaking it in.

"Well, this has been fun." I say as we're all getting back into the limo.

"It has, we need to make this a regular occasion." Joe nods.

Everyone heads back to their hotel rooms once we return. Sav and I are just lying in bed, still in our clothes from earlier since we didn't feel like changing. He's sitting up in the bed leaning against the headboard while I'm laying with my head in his lap. He's running his hands through my hair and I can feel him vibrate every so often when he laughs at the movie playing on the television.

"Today was good." I say with a smile, not moving my head.

"It was. I enjoyed it." He says, pausing to squeeze my arm.

"Sorry I bombarded you with the fact that I'd like a Christmas wedding. I was sort of just thinking out loud after they asked about the date." I admit.

"You didn't bombard me." He chuckles. "A winter wedding would be excellent." He pats my arm.

"Really? You're okay with it?" I ask, getting up from his lap to look at him.

His big blue eyes sparkle in glee before he answers. "Of course." He says. I squeal like a child before continuing our conversation and taking both of my hands in his.

"I do want to enjoy being engaged, though. This Christmas is only 7 months away."

"So next year, then?" He asks with an eyebrow raised, rubbing his thumbs over my hands.

"Yes, maybe early December. After your birthday and before the 25th. It'll be perfect." I peck him on the lips in excitement before getting up off the bed to head into the bathroom.


Sorry this chapter took so long, I've had a little bit of writers block and honestly I feel like no one is even reading this story, lol. Please let me know if you are enjoying this and as always feel free to leave suggestions below.


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