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Another month has passed. More wedding planning action is happening today. Sav and I have some cake tasting to do, we have to pick out our wedding bands, then we're going to pick out the gifts we'd like to give to Georgia and the guys. It's now July, so we have five months to go until the wedding day.

"This one is really good." I say about the red velvet. That's always been my favorite.

"I agree." Sav says.

"You have cake on your nose." I laugh. "Here, let me help." I kiss his nose and wipe the remaining cake off with my thumb.

"You two are so cute. Did we pick a favorite?" The baker says as she walks over to our table.

"I think we're going to go with the red velvet." I look at Sav for confirmation and he nods.

"Good choice. I love that one too." She nods her head and goes back to the counter.

"I think we should get the guys new watches. Phil is always asking for the time." I laugh.

"Yeah, we could do that."

We're browsing around the jewelers, hand in hand. The same one he bought my ring from.

"Being in here gives me deja vu." He says.

"I bet it does." I smile, looking down at my ring.

"Mr. Savage! Welcome back. What can we do for you?" The jeweler comes out from the back room and shakes Sav's hand.

"Picking out the wedding bands today." He smiles over at me.

"Good, good! We have a nice selection over on this side." He points and walks over to a glass case. There's rings of every shape, size and color.

"I like the black one." Sav says to me.

"I don't know." I'm indecisive, as always.

"Maybe Mr. Savage could do the black band, and you could do our silver." The jeweler suggests. He pulls out the boxes from the case to show us.

"The silver is beautiful." I say.

"The bands don't always have to match. I personally like them mismatched as it shows your individuality." He adds.

"You're right. I think that's what we'll do, yeah?" I look at Sav and he nods.

"Perfect. I'll get those boxed up for you."

"Georgia has Declan for the night. Why don't we take advantage of our alone time?" Sav says once we get back to the car.

"What did you have in mind?"

"I think we should have a dinner and wine night like we used to."

"Sounds like a plan."

We head to the store and pick up everything we need. Sav checks out while I use the payphone to check in on Georgia.

"He's fine. Drifting off to sleep like always." She says. "Now go, enjoy your alone time."

"Thank you for everything. I appreciate it so much."

"No problem at all." She says before we hang up. Just as I place the phone back on the receiver, Sav comes out of the store.

"All set?" I ask.

"Yep, got everything we need."

"I'm surprised. I thought Steve was the chef of the group."

"I've picked up a few things here and there."

"You surprise me all the time."

"That's what I try to do." He winks at me.

After we finish eating, we migrate to the couch. We barely get thirty minutes into the movie we're watching before Sav starts pawing at me. His mouth is touching my neck so roughly that there's definitely going to be a mark there tomorrow.

"Eager tonight, are we?"' My hands trail down his back.

"I can't help it. Today made me so ready for you to be my wife." He says huskily into my neck.

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